When the baby trips

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Hello! Sorry for not updating last week; I had both of my brothers' birthdays XD I also had my school swimming carnival which was a pile of shit. This was requested by xXx_K1sune_xXx so thank you! Umm... I don't have anything else to say, so enjoy! 


Jeff the Killer

"Dagger," Jeff warned, following behind Dagger. "Give daddy's knife back."

"Nuh-uh." He giggled, slicing the walls with the newly sharpened knife. Jeff sighed, running a hand through his hair before stepping in front of his son and taking the knife out of of his tiny hands. Unfortunately, Dagger didn't comprehend that his father was in front of him fast enough and crashed into him. He stumbled a bit before falling down. He looked up at Jeff, tears welling in his eyes. Jeff's eyes locked onto you who just entered the room before saying...

"Oh shi-"

"Muuuuuuuuuummmmm." Dagger sobbed, getting up on his feet and waddling over to you. You glared at Jeff before picking Dagger up and comforting him. 

"Babe, listen I-"

"I'll talk to you later..." You seethed, walking out of the room.

Jeff sighed. "God damn it."


BEN Drowned

Mikau struggled to walk as he was carrying his shamisen around the house. BEN sat at the couch, playing the remake of Final Fantasy VII (A/N: Which by the way looks fucking awesome). He glanced at his son staggering around. 

"Yo, kiddo; don't carry that by yourself. You're gonna hurt yourself." BEN said.

"It's ok, dad. I'm fi-" He was interrupted due to him tripping over. He glanced at his small bump on his knee. "Ouch." 

"Told you so..." BEN patted the couch. "C'mon, watching me play Final Fantasy VII will make your bump feel better."



Claude waddled around the house, reading through a random book he stole from his father's bookshelf. He began to hum as he turned the pages, not aware of the wall that he was about to walk into. Slender sauntered into the room as his son walked straight into the wall and fell over. He sighed as his tendril took the book out of his hand.

"That's what you get for reading 'To Kill A Mockingbird' at such an age."


Eyeless Jack   

"C'mon Dracul, time to get vaccinated." Jack said, opening the door for his son. 

"Nooooooo." Dracul whined. 

Jack sighed. "You're gonna die if you don't get it."

Dracul fell over on purpose. "Ouch, I'm hurt so I can't go..." 

"Nice try." Jack said before picking him up and taking him to the doctors.


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