When he takes care of you :)

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Hello! It has been awhile, but I finally finished editing! I would like to thank all of you guys for being patient! I would also like to thank Eliza1a4 for being really kind and allowing me to talk to her about my problems, I really appreciated Eliza! Also, I will be going on camp on Tuesday in Adelaide, South Australia, so if any of you live in Adelaide, you may see me, (even though you don't know what I look like...) Without further ado, here's the next scenario :)


Jeff the Killer

You were snuggled up with Jeff under a blanket while he held you protectively. Ever since the incident with Scream occurred, Jeff has done everything to be near you. He wasn't too happy with Smile, considering he ran out of the house and caused you to be kidnapped, so he ignored Smile until he learnt his lesson. 

Jeff carressed your cheek as you continued to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Smile saw his affection towards you and whimpered. 

"Smile." Jeff growled, "be quiet." 

You frowned. "Jeff, be nice to him, it wasn't his fault..." 

"It was, kiddo. Because of him, those bitches hurt you, luckily Zalgo came along and killed them." Smile whimpered again. 

"Jeff." You whined. 

He sighed. "Fine," he patted the remaining space on the couch. "C'mon Smile." Smile barked happily and jumped onto the couch before beginning to lick your face.


BEN Drowned

"Babe, stop squirming; I'm trying to kill a hunter!" BEN grumbled as he poked your tummy. BEN wanted to keep an eye on you so he wanted you to sit on his lap while he played Halo. You pouted. 

"I'm not comfortable though!" 

"Get comfortable then!" You huffed and stopped moving. "Thank you!" He smiled, kissing your cheek.

"It's ok..."



"My dear, I want you to sit on that chair and not hop off. Do you understand?" He asked. You grumbled.

"Slender, Scream and Shout are dead, so there is no need to worry." 

"I have every reason to worry! My darling was harmed, and I won't tolerate such belligerent behaviour to my wife!"

You blushed. "Slender..."

"I apologise for raising my voice." He gently hugged your injured body. "I'm just worried. I don't want to lose you again..." You smiled and continued hugging him. :3


Eyeless Jack 

"Open, (Y/N)." Jack commanded as he inched the spoon full of medicine closer to your mouth. You shook your head no. "Please?" 

"But it'll taste gross." You frowned.

"Sometimes the grossest medicine works the best." You sighed and reluctantly opened your mouth. "Good girl." He said before gently placing the spoon in your mouth.

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