When you see his Halloween costume -o-

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Hello! Yes, I haven't done much editing on my previous story; I'm lazy. Anyway, I know it's early but Halloween is comin' up. I'm so excited, I'm actually going as Jeff the Killer (I know soooo original) *sarcasm*

So, last year (wow a long time ago) when I was a noob at typing, I made a scenario when he sees you in a costume, so I thought to myself: "Why don't you guys see their costumes?" So, without further ado, here's the scenario.  :)

Happy Halloween, my precious ghouls!


Jeff the Killer

Jeff walked up slowly in a 'soldier like' manner. He turned to you and placed his arms behind his back. "Captain Levi repor- shit!" He cussed as his wig fell off his head, his black hair tied into a messy bun.  You giggled at his fail and picked up his wig for him.

"Levi, huh?"

"Yeah," Jeff sighed, scratching his neck. "I had no idea who to go as so I asked BEN, the douchebag said I should dress up as Levi and he can go as Armin."

"I think you're more suited as Eren." You admitted.

"I have no idea who he is, I don't even know who Levi and Armin are! Well anyway..." He placed the wig on his head. "Let's get going."


BEN Drowned

"I look pretty cool as Armin, huh?" BEN said, admiring his brown boots.

"Your ass is tight." You said.

BEN gave you an 'are you serious?' look. "Thanks..." His smile returned to his face as he continued to swoon over the boots. "I managed to persuade Jeff into being Levi, I should have made him Eren though, damn." 

You looked at the clock and gasped. "C'mon let's go, we need to get all the lollies!" You shouted, dragging BEN out of the house.



"Uh.... Who are you supposed to be?" You questioned as Slender waltzed out of the bedroom. 

He 'looked' at his attire and rested his shoulders. "I'm Sebastian Michaelis, isn't it obvious?" You shook your head no.

"You're lacking the facial features." You felt his aura sour at you comment.

"Haha." He laughed sarcastically. "BEN suggested I should be him, despite lacking the face." he gingerly grabbed your hand and led you out of the house. "Hurry now, the woods are dangerous at night, I don't want to have the risk of you getting harmed." You smiled at his concern and let him carry you out of the forest.


Eyeless Jack (A/N: Got the idea from Buzzfeed, so thanks!)

You glanced at Jack's Halloween costume and gave a sigh of content. "At least you tried."

"What, I'm rasin Hell."

"Yeah, sticking packets of raisins to your self and puting on devil horns classifies you as 'rasin Hell'."

"Give me a break, I tried, that's all that matters."

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