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As you can see, I've deleted the previous scenario, why? Because I received some words of wisdom from my friend Dani. I want to sincerely apologise to Stephybaires_1D but I really can't be doing all these scenarios for you. I mean, I'm being pestered into doing these scenarios with your OC's and when I do them, I've got the information wrong or something isn't working out and I really can't do them anymore. I still have to do requests from early this year and late last year! And if you really want your OC's in the scenarios, make your own CP scenarios! :D

So, for those who haven't read the scenario that I just deleted I will put the announcements I made under this.

Firstly, I'm thinking about changing my username. I'm not sure what, but if you want to help, just leave a comment suggesting some usernames!

Secondly, I basically have all of the scenarios planned out and I know exactly how I'm going to finish this. I think this book will end by mid/late next year.

Thirdly, Merry Christmas! I hopefully will be making a Creepypasta Christmas special!

Fourthly, by New Years Day, I will have hopefully uploaded at least three new boyfriend scenarios: Kamigami no Asobi, Death Note and Black Butler! I will probably make an A/N when I've uploaded them. That means I will have 4 BF scenarios (excluding this one) so I want you guys to suggest another show, book series, or whatever thing you want to have a BF scenario book.

Oh! Also, I'm going to upload another story called Creepypasta Random Scenarios, which is full of funny crap that the creepypastas have been through. So, yeah.

I want to thank Dani for giving me the advice, so this goes out for those like me, who are being pestered into doing scenarios. Just don't do it. You have the liberty to say no and I completely forgot (as stupid as it sounds) that I'm the author of my books and I can do what I want with them. So, yeah!

Thanks for understanding! Will hopefully update today or tomorrow!

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