2. Focus

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"Evie focus." Her septa instructed smacking a hand down on the table. Evies gaze shifted slowly and deadly to her septa.

"Maybe if you were a bit more entertaining my focus wouldnt drift so easily." Evie sassed getting up from the table and marching off.

"Hey sweetie," jaime said as he wrapped an arm around her.

"Hi uncle Jaime." Evie purred leaning into him. "You and Gendry done training?"

"You know him always going the extra mile." Jaime agreed.

"Hes going to be a good king. Better than my father." Evie decided.

"I think so too," Jaime agreed kissing her temple.

"I think hes more like you than our father."
Evie added.

"I think so too." Jaime agreed. "Handsome like me too."

"Joffreys more like father unfortunately." She murmured. "The boy needs to grow the fuck up," jaime bit back a smile. "I know its not very princessly." Evie agreed. "But sandor is my guard and says worse." She added bluntly.

"I bet he does." Jaime agreed.

"Right San?" Evie glanced back at him. Sandor nodded to her.

Sandor didnt hate working for the twins. Evie was very self sufficient and Gendry was a hard worker. Evie was a sexy little flirt and gendry didn't complain when sandor knocked him in his ass during training.

"Where you going san?" Evie questioned.

"Heading to your brother now, princess."  Sandor offered.

"What do you know me too." Evie agreed. "Why dont you take the afternoon off?" She suggested.

"Dont need to tell me twice." Sandor agreed veering off. Jaime scoffed.

"He was quick to jump ship." Jaime remarked. "You scare him off like that every day?"

"Please. Me? Scary?" Evie chuckled.

"You are like your mother." Jaime agreed. "Pretty and ferocious." She smiled up at him before chomping her teeth at him. "Go on. Your brother will be missing you already."

Evie ran off, lifting her dress slightly so she wouldn't trip as she pranced down the steps to the courtyard.

Gendry was swinging an axe around. He always preferred an axe to a sword. But he was good at both. Sword was more logical for every day life. It dropped heavily at his side and he stretched out flexing his muscles. All the women fawned and were practically drooling over him. Gendry didnt pay them any mind.

"Hey sexy." Evie purred. Gendry turned to face her. She looked him over shirtless and sweaty.

"You are so dirty

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"You are so dirty. You need a long hot bath." Evie added moving towards him. He watched the sway of her hips in her tight red dress.

"You gonna join me?" He whispered. "You are such a dirty girl after all."

"Im stunning." Evie corrected. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

"Gross! Gendry! You are getting me all dirty!" Evie shouted. He trapped her in his arms.

"They are so in love." Cersei whispered. Jaime came up behind her wrapping his arms around her kissing her neck. "I see them together and its just-"

"You know they cant." Jaime corrected. Cersei sighed.

"Love is love... they would be perfect together." Cersei whispered.

"They are so in love." Jaime agreed. "Perfect. Like you and me. But they can never be. Just like you and me." Cersei leaned back into him relaxing into his touch.

"He is the heir. He will be king one day. Cersei he will be the first good king in years!" Jaime added. "Gendry is a good boy. A great young man. He will be a great king. Cersei he will be a great king."

"I know. I know. I hate that he is Baratheon because i dont see Robert in him. I see you. I see your strength and bravery. I see your handsome face. Your green eyes. I dont see robert. In everything except his hair."

"He is to be king. That hair. That last name. That little bit of robert in him means when that old fat shit head dies. Your gendry gets to be king."

"Gendry!" Evie laughed out as they slipped in the dirt she landed in his lap. He buried his face in her hair breathing her in.

"Oh my gorgeous Genevieve."

Gendry caught the glances from knights around them from ladies around them. The knights were jealous that gendry had such a gorgeous woman on his arm. The women were jealous that gendry had his arms around another woman a woman that wasnt them. They didnt care that Evie was his twin sister. They hated that Gendrys gaze his arms his everything was always focused on Evie.

Jon Arryn glanced at them as he passed his brow furrowed and lips pursed. He knew what cersei had done. He didnt want another king although rightful heir to fall under his sisters spell.

Cersei stared down at Jon noticing his gaze lingering on the twins.

"Hes going to be a problem." Cersei sneered.

"Word is he was poking around brothels." Jaime recalled.

"Looking for what? A whore?"

"More of roberts bastards." Jaime pondered.

"Get rid of him." Cersei instructed. "Get someone else to get rid of him."

Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry BaratheonWhere stories live. Discover now