15. Defensive

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Devotion/ Game of Thrones out now!

"Lord Stark, your presence has been requested in the small council chamber. A meeting has been called."

"I need to see the King first -- alone." Ned corrected

" The King is at the small council meeting, my Lord. He has summoned you." the steward corrected.

"Is it about my wife?" Ned sighed out.

"No, my Lord. I believe it concerns Daenerys Targaryen."

Evie pulled gendry into her chambers, they were studying she assured her septa, her brother was a smart man. Studying the human body, anatomy was important.

The kiss went from a tentative question to a full-blown answer. His mouth explored hers, and she arched her back, trying to get closer to him. He let her hands go at last to cup her face, tipping her head backward as he traced a path of kisses down her neck. She wrapped her arms around his waist as she tried to draw him to her, but it still wasn't close enough. With so many layers of skirt between them, she needed more. She always needed more of him. 

His mouth met the edge of her bodice, and her chest heaved with the unbearable delight of his breath grazing the tops of her breasts, pushed high by her corset.

 His hands caressed her, finding her taut nipples through the soft cloth and she let out a gasp which he silenced with his mouth. She opened her eyes and saw his heavy with desire. Gendry murmured her name, as he placed a kiss where her dress gave way to breast. She moaned in answer as there was a gentle knock on the door. 

"STUDYING!" Evie demanded her head tipping back. 

"When Jon Arryn came to visit you, what did he want?" Ned countered.

"He wasn't that sort of man, my Lord. He just wanted to know if the child was happy, healthy." the whore answered

"She looks healthy enough to me. The girl shall want for nothing." Ned assured. He had to tell Robert. Even if he didn't care, Ned cared.

"Brothels make a much better investment than ship, I've found. Whores rarely sink." Petyr remarked with a chuckle when Ned came out of the room.

" What do you know of King Robert's bastards?" Ned questioned.

"Well, he has more than you, for a start." Petyr offered.

"How many?" Ned pushed.

"Does it matter? If you fuck enough women, some of them will give you presents."

"Damnit I'm coming." Evie grumbled opening the door. "Oh hello mum." 

"Evie, oh I hoped Ned was with you." Cersei admitted peering past her.  

"Why?" Evie countered with a laugh. 

"Yes mother why?" Gendry agreed. 

"Because he quit as hand and vanished." Cersei remarked. "And a missing wolf is worse than a dead one." 

"And Jon Arryn tracked them all down. Why?"

" He was the King's Hand. Perhaps Robert wanted them looked after. He was overcome with fatherly love." Petyr mused.

"Come." Ned remarked heading out but Jory was staring at a whore, she flashed him her breasts. "Jory!" Ned demanded and he raced after Ned.

"My lord.' He apologized.

'We must leave, get the girls and...' Ned began as they walked briskly. 'It is no longer safe here, we must leave for winterfell at once.''

''My lord?' Jory questioned confused.

"Catelyn has taken lord Tyrion.' Ned told her. 'We must go, leave now before-' but as they stepped into the light they saw red coats, Lions, Jaime Lannister leading them all. They were surrounded.

'It looks like a small pack of wolves' Jaime noted

'Stand back ser this is the hand of the King.' Jory told him.

''Was the hand of the King.' Jaime corrected 'I'm not sure what he is now....''

"What do you mean he quit?" Evie questioned. "I thought he liked being hand?"

"He didnt like putting up with your father apparently." Cersei remarked. 

"I should have put money on it, there was a wager going around on how long Stark lasted." Gendry remarked. "Renly said two moons, Petyr said until death, what a fool." 

''What is the meaning of this Lannister?' Petyr said running outside, now Ned felt bad in not trusting Petyr he was trying to help.

'Get back inside where it is safe. I am looking for my brother.' Jaime informed Ned 'you remember my brother don't you lord stark? Blonde hair, sharp tongue, short man.'

'I remember him well' ned admitted

'He had some trouble on the road you wouldn't happen to know what happened to him?' Jaime questioned.

Ned remained silent, he wasn't about to take credit for Catelyn's mistake but his silence was mistaken for guilt. Jaime and his men unsheathe their swords.

'My Lord,' Petyr said stepping forward 'I will bring the city watch.' but ned held him back.

"Ned took Tyrion?" Evie questioned confused. 

"No, his bitch wife did." Cersei corrected. 

"Why?" Gendry questioned. 

"You know the little one? The one that slipped while climbing?" Cersei offered with a dismissive hand.

"Bran." Evie agreed. 

"yes, well I got word that he was attacked afterwards, after we left and he was long forgotten," Cersei went on. The twins shared a look. "Well he was attacked and Catelyn that idiot is blaming us." 

"Why?" Gendry questioned. "WHy would she do that?" 

"Because she is an idiot. I had nothing to do with any of it, dont look at me like that." Cersei demanded. 

"You are getting awfully defensive for something you are completely innocent in." Evie agreed. 

''Come on stark I'd rather you die sword in hand.' Jaime challenged. 

'If you threaten my lord again-' Jory warned.

'As in I'm going to open your lord from balls to brain and see what's starks are really made of.' Jaime clarified.

'You kill me. Your brother is a dead man' ned informed him.

'You're right...' Jaime acknowledged 'take him alive, kill his men.' Jaime instructed and Lannister soldiers stepped forward attacking but Ned was not about to go down without a fight. He had too much to live for, his children were here, what happened to them if he died.

Jamie's sword was drove through Jory's eye, all the way out the other end of his skull. Jaime pointed his sword Ned ready for a proper duel as the rest of the Lannister soldiers waited circling them ready for an attack if necessary. They were at a face off when one of Jaime's men came from behind Ned stabbing him through the leg. Jaime stepped forward punching his knight in the face.

'that was dishonorable.' Jaime informed him. Ned watched in complete agony spear still through his leg as Jaime mounted his white horse.

'He is my brother Lord Stark and I want him back.' Jaime spat riding away as Ned collapsed to the ground.

Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry BaratheonWhere stories live. Discover now