9. Heart of Gold

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"Why did uncle Jaime scout ahead?" Evie whined. "Why did he take Gendry?" 

"I know I'm just as annoyed but you know your brother," Cersei remarked. 

"he wanted to get away from Sansa." Evie sneered. "Gods she is so annoying, she is such a child thinking Gendry is her true love. It's obnoxious and disgusting." Evie decided. 

"It really is." Cersei agreed. 

"I miss Gen, already." Evie whispered. "He wouldnt leave me its sansa fault, that little whiney child. Why is father marrying Gendry off to a child? She's... so... ugh." Evie's hands thrashed around and Cersei nodded. 

"A northern whore to be no doubt." Cersei agreed. "Dont worry this union will never come to pass." 

"Thats what I told Sansa too and she didnt listen." Evie groaned. 

'We were at war,' Robert reminded him 'we didn't know we were gonna go back home again don't be so hard on yourself you always have been. I swear if I weren't your king you would've hit me already.' Robert told him.

'Worst thing about your coronation, is I'll never get to hit you again.' Ned joked

'Trust me that's not the worst thing.' He handed him over a scroll 'there's a rider in the night.' Ned read it over

'Daenerys Targaryen has wed some Dothraki soldier...'

'what of it?' Ned read it over again 'Did you send her a wedding gift?' ned questioned.

'A knife perhaps, a sharp one and a bold man to wield it.' Robert said taking along drink from his glass.

"Thanks for not leaving me to deal with the wolves." Evie remarked, sandor nodded to her. "This is so stupid." 

"We are almost home Princess." Sandor assured her. "Have a drink, take a break." Evie smiled up at him. He gave her shoulder a squeeze. "We can drink together." 

"I would love that, drown out sansas little whines and Joffreys grumbles." Evie agreed. Sandor chuckled. 

"You really dont like the little starks." Sandor realized. 

"Whats to like about them?" Evie countered. 

"You sound like your mother." Sandor chuckled.

"She's a smart woman, I take that as a compliment." Evie declared. Sansa stumbled backwards running into Sandor. She stared up at him taking nervous steps back away from him, her eyes wide her lip quivered. Evie rolled her eyes. Learn to walk much? Evie wanted to hiss but kept her mouth shut. 

''Do I frighten you so much girl?' sandor questioned she didn't answer, 'or is it him that's making a shake? He frightens me to look at that face.' Sandor teased nodding to Illyn Payne. Evie smirked. Sansa would fail at the capital, they werent all pretty knights and shining castles, it was real life, probably something her mother protected her from up north but down south, this was where the real world happened. Not just playing in the snow. 

'I'm sorry if I offended you sir.' Sansa said sheepishly he only stated at her, a deep frown on his face as he walked past them. 'Why won't he speak to me?' Sansa questioned sandor and Evie. Evie rolled her eyes walked away, had she really not noticed or cared to look or speak to any of the guards and knights besides drooling over Gendry for the past fortnight for the past moon even since they got to winterfell. No Sansa was caught up in her own little world. Evie talked to Ned's men, they found her charming. Jory was sweet but a nervous little man Evie quickly came to realize and Ned had to always come and rescue him from his babbling. 

''He hasn't been talkative the last 20 years since the mad king had his tongue cut out.' Sandor informed her.

''He speaks well with his sword though.' Joffrey remarked and sansa smiled turning to him pulling away from Evie and towards the Prince, 'serving the kings justice... he is the royal executioner.' he clarified 'what is it my sweet girl? Does the hound frighten you?' Joffrey asked, concern in his voice which Evie knew was fake but Sansa bought it.  'Away with your dog you're scaring my lady.' Sandor tipped his head leaving.

Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry BaratheonWhere stories live. Discover now