14. Little Love

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'Um... my Lord,' a man came in pulling neds attention to the door. 'your grace, the queen.' he announced before walking away and the queen walked in.

'Your Grace.' Ned said stiffly.

'you're missing your tournament' cersei reminded him.

'Just because it's in my name does not make it mine.' Ned told her.

'Of course,' she agreed looking around the Hand's office. 'I thought we might put what happened on the Kings Road behind us,' Cersei offered 'the argument with the wolves... the need to kill the beast was extreme.' she admitted 'but sometimes we go to extremes when I children not concerned. How is Sansa?''

''Well she likes it here' ned admitted. It was the second blasted day or maybe the third of tourneys, Evie was bored and decided against going today, she stayed in bed with Gendry instead. 

Tea and biscuits were delivered to her chambers and she plopped back down beside Gendry as he gulfed down the food when there was another knock at the door. Evie groaned getting back up. 

''It seems she is the only stark that does, she favors the south like her mother not much of the north and her-' ceresi went on.

''What are you doing here?'' Ned questioned. Although he had grown fond of Evie he still wasnt Cersei's biggest fan. It had been over a week at the capital and she finally came to see him. 

''I might ask the same of you.' Cersei said taking threatening steps forward her heels clicking on the ground 'what is it you hope to accomplish?''

''The king called on me to serve him and the realm and that is what I will do until he tells me otherwise.' Ned informed her.

"Princess, your uncle Stannis has arrived he wishes to see you if you are-"

"I will meet him in the study!" Evie called out getting dressed quickly. 

"Why does he want to see you?" Gendry questioned. 

"I'm the favorite." Evie offered as if it was obvious.

'You can't change him you can't help him.' Cersei informed Ned honestly. ''he will do what he wants what he's only ever done. You will do your best to pick up the pieces.''

''If that is my job then so be it.' Ned said confidently.

''You were just a soldier, you take your orders and you carry on. I suppose it makes sense your older brother was charged to lead and you were charged to follow.'' Cersei mocked. Ned wondered if Cersei thought she was making peace or wanting to piss him off more.

''I was also trying to kill my enemies your grace.'' Ned assured holding her gaze. 

''As was I.' she informed him before turning away mischievous look in her eyes.

"Hello uncle Stannis." Evie remarked fondly, he kissed her cheek before hugging her. Gendry waved to him as he headed off to training, Renly was pulling him along saying something about try and beat Loras, nephew since Gendry wasnt competing. Gendry countered with rather beat your old ass to the ground, uncle Renly.

"Hello my dear." Stannis answered. 

"I didnt know you were coming." Evie remarked. "I'm glad you are here, you missed the tourney." 

"I wanted to meet the new hand. Its been many years since I saw Eddard." Stannis remarked. "ANd its been too long since I have seen you." Stannis added touching her cheek. "What a beautiful young woman you have become my dear."  Evie smiled, long black eyelashes fluttered.  "You know everyone says you look like your mother but I see my mother in you."

Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry BaratheonWhere stories live. Discover now