6. My Pride. My Ego. My Arse!

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"Why aren't you down in the yard?" Arya asked finding Jon in the tower staring down at the courtyard longingly. He gave her a half smile.

"Bastards are not allowed to damage young princes," he remarked. "Any bruises they take in the practice yard must come from trueborn swords."

Ned watched the boys train together as Robert slept away the morning surely to wake up with a massive hangover. Gendry laughed out as he watched Bran and Tommen duel.

"They are adorable." Gendry remarked. "Joff, you getting in on this?"

"This is for children." Joffrey sneered.

"You are a child, Joff." evie agreed.

"Why doesnt she have to go to lessons?" Arya complained. "She gets to play with the boys."

"She's not playing," Jon chuckled. "She's... gorgeous."

"Gross, are all of you obsessed with her?" Arya questioned.


"RObb and Theon were flirting with her all night last night." Arya remarked. "She was even flirting with uncle Benjen and father!"

"She's just friendly." Jon corrected.

"Looked like flirting." Arya corrected.

"What would you know about flirting, little sister?" Jon pondered. Arya shrugged.

"Gen!" Tommen declared. "Fight me!"

"Oh no, run Gendry," Evie mused. "He's a tough one." Tommen giggled back at her. Gendry made it look good. He spun around tapping his sword gently against Tommen's before he dramatically fell to the ground. Ned chuckled as Evie gasped dramatically as well. Tommen looked between them, his mouth hung open.

"Gendry get up!" Evie laughed out. "Your reputation will forever be tainted, our future king can't win against an eight year old!" Evie declared.

Tommen cackled out dropping his sword

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Tommen cackled out dropping his sword.

"I won!" Tommen declared.

"My pride! My reputation! My ego! My arse!" Gendry mused as Evie offered him a hand up. She kissed his cheek as he got to his feet. He touched her cheek pulling her into a hug.

Sandor stared back at the twins as they declared TOmmen the victor. He knew he could have been charged with guarding Joffrey just as easily so he thanks the Gods, old and new that Gendry was born first. They were good kids. The rest of their family were shits so he didnt know where the goodness came from.

"Prince Joffrey, Robb, will you go another round?"

"Gladly." Joffrey strut into the sunlight "This is a game for children, Ser Rodrik." Joffrey sneered. "I am a prince. And I grow tired of swatting at Starks with a play sword."

"You got more swats than you gave, Joff," Robb corrected.

"And my elder brother lost to a baby." Joff countered. Gendry gave him a pointed look.

"I'm not a baby." Tommen corrected defensivsely.

"Are you afraid I was going easy on you?" Joffrey barked as he looked back at robb. "Now your ass will be in the dirt before you blink!"

"Joff, enough." Evie instructed. "Stop being a little shit." JOffrey scowled back at her. "Yeah, stop." Evie demanded.

"What are you suggesting?" Robb asked joffrey, stepping forward. Robb's gaze shifted to Evie, he wanted to impress her but going up against JOffrey wasnt all that impressive.

"Live steel."

"Done," Robb agreed.

"Here lays Joffrey Baratheon, may he rest in peace." Gendry mused.

"I will put winter roses on your grave, Joffy." Evie agreed.

"Live steel is too dangerous. I will permit you tourney swords, with blunted edges." Rodrick corrected. Joffrey said nothing, evie rolled her pretty eyes. "They will have steel when they are ready. When they are both of an age."

"Come and see me when you're older, Stark. If you're not too old." Joffrey cackled out. "Come, Tommen," joffrey said. "The hour of play is done. Leave the children to their frolics."

"Sorry about him." Gendry said as Joffrey headed off. "He's all talk."

"You want to go another round, or is your ego still bruised from getting beat by Tommen?" Robb questioned with a laugh.

"Princess Genevieve," ned remarked fondly.

"Hello Ned." Evie purred. Gendry scowled back at them. Robb nudged him and he nodded. Kick Robbs ass since kicking Neds ass for looking at Evie like that wouldnt be deemed appropriate but neither would a married man be flirting with his sister.

"Begin!" Rodrick declared. Evie turned at the sound of steel against steel. She stared back at them a small smile on her lip. Ned watched her watching them.

"Your son is quite good." Evie remarked

"Thank you princess. Im sure he would be thrilled to hear thay from you." Ned added. "Your brother is quite skilled as well."

"He trains constantly. A good king should be a warrior. Know how to defend the realms and its people."

"I agree." Ned added. "Do you have any inclination to be queen? You seem to have the mind for it from what ive seen"

"And marry my brother?" Evie pondered innocently

"No thats not what I meant." Ned assured she could see the Stark honor pushing through him. The horror of such an act even though targaryens got away with it all the damn time.

"You just seem like..." ned shrugged.

"Go on." Evie encouraged.

"Like a woman that knows what she wants and grabs it by the horns." Ned admitted as Gendry landed robb on his back sword pointed down at his chest. Robb yielded. Evie smiled giving a hoot of approval.

"You are right Ned. I do get what I want."

Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry BaratheonWhere stories live. Discover now