13. Enchanting

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The first day of the tourney was boring, sure Gregor decapitated a horse which was awful but otherwise, boring.

Robert was saying drunkenly that he was going to duel tomorrow. Evie rolled her eyes, yeah right.

The party after the day's tournaments was much more up Evies wheelhouse. She moved to the bar. Her sexy red dress drew everyone eyes to her as she walked. The way the dress was made revealed her bare back and a new style evie was trying out. The inner boob. The cut ran down all the way to her belly button. The neck line was held up by a golden cudf. The waist was tight but flowed elegantly to the ground. A slit on the side revealing her tanned legs as she pass and her red heels.

One of their regular servers for all the big parties was behind the bar

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One of their regular servers for all the big parties was behind the bar. Her hands perched on the edge of the bar a smile tugging at her lips. Alfie smiled from behind the bar and slid a glass to her. She blew him a kiss as she grabbed the drink.

"Ned, dont you look daper." Evie remarked.

"Princess you look..." he was speechless. These types of dresses were never worn in the north. You would freeze but evie, the dress looked like it was made for her. She smiled tapping his chin.

"You will catch flies." Evie whispered before moving in her way. Ned stared back at her the words coming to him too late. 

"Radiant." He whispered.

Evie spun around the dance floor with Myrcella before pulling cersei out.

"Come on mama," evie begged. "Dance with me."

"You know 'mama' is my weakness." Cersei remarked shaking her head.

"I know." Evie agreed.  She pulled jaime and tommen out as gendry tried to avoid sansa like the black plague.

Sansa grumbled to her father that he wasnt doing a good jon distracting evie. Ned was distracted by evie. By the way she moved. By the way she smiled. Ned was in lust with this young woman.

Gendry held Evie close as their father drank the night away.

"Do you think father is going to compete?"

"I heard Lancel looking for a breast plate stretcher by order of the king," evie countered. "He doesnt fit in his armor anymore." She giggled.

"Fat lug." Gendry agreed. "Will you love me if I turn into father?"

"A drunk man whore?" Evie questioned.

"If i lose my abs and-"

"I will morn them. I thought we already had this discussion." Evie teased.

"Im serious though. What if I turn into him?"

"You wont. Because i know you. You my handsome gendry are going to be the best king one day. You will be nothing like our father."

"Thank you Evie... I cant say it enough you look enchanting." Gendry remarked kissing her cheek.

Gendry being the wonderful brother that he was walked evie back to her chambers that night. As he always did. Because he needed to kiss her good night. Then he needed to fuck her good night and hold her until morning.

Evie moaned and wrapped her arms around his ribs. She dug her fingers into his back. She kissed his chest. His movements were slow, deliberate, intense. Evie could feel everything she loved how he made her feel it all.

It came over her in waves and she couldnt control her breathing or tongue anymore. She held onto him tighter as she got closer and he could feel it too, so he slowed down. He doesn't want her to go yet. He doesn't need to say it she knows how he moves to enhance or procrastinate.

He rocked back and forth with her. He kissed her and tucked her hair back as he cradled her. Evie almost thought it was over that he robbed her of a perfect orgasm but then he started again, faster and deeper and she was climbing again.

She felt his mouth on her neck and his breath in her hair. They going together now and she felt him release as she did. She loved how insync they were. He slowed until he stopped. He kissed her forehead and eyelids delicately. He collapsed into her and hugged her.

Evie smiled as he held her close. Gendry breathed her in.  She loved how he held her like she was the most precious thing. Like he needed to protect her. Like he needed her to breathe.

This might be her second favorite part of sex. The after. The cuddling. When their tired bodies are still tangled into each other and both of them are out of breath and everything was warm and slow and glowing.

Her chest was rising and falling rapidly and his arm was wrapped around her ribs just below her breasts and she knew if they stayed this way too long theynwould most definitely fall asleep just like this, sideways on the bed without a blanket or pillows. Clothes scattered the curtains open the bar wasnt even barred.

"Gendry my love." Evie whispered kissing along his chest. He hummed his finger in her hair. "We have to move while we still have the willpower," evie whispered. "We cant be caught. What if someone comes in?"

"Fuck them." Gendry whispered. "I want to stay here and hold my girl."

"Bar the door then hold me." Evie agreed. How could it be wrong when it felt so right?

Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry BaratheonWhere stories live. Discover now