23. Kill The Union

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"My baby." Gendry whispered kissing Evie. "Our baby."

"Gendry... i need you." Evie whimpered tears in her eyes. He held her as he debated his next words.

"I wont ever marry." Gendry decided.

"You are heir-"

"If you have son I will name him my heir when father dies." Gendry countered holding her closer.

"I don't know that father is going to agree to that." Evie murmured. "But I certainly like the idea of having you all to myself."

"It is i that would have to share you..." Gendry countered shaking his head.

"So you dont hate me anymore?"

"I could never Evie. I love you. You are the other half of me." Gendry assured. "Im sorry I got mad."

"Im sorry I fucked Ned."

"Wait what?" Gendry countered. Evie stammered out nervously. "You what'd ned?"

"It was the only way he would believe it was his and stop threatening to tell on mother's infidelity." Evie whimpered as fast as she could needing to get the words out. "Gendry forgive me." Gendry grit his teeth and growled low in his throat.

"I love you," evie begged. "I love you."

"I love you." Gendry whispered back.

"Evie honey- oh im glad you two worked it out ." Cersei remarked fondly. "But you two need to get ready."

"For what?" Gendry questioned.

"You didnt tell him..." cersei stared back at evie.

"I was trying to figure out how to tell him." Evie snapped.

"Tell me what?"

"Your sisters engagement party." Cersei admitted. "To Ned Stark." With that she left. Gendry gaped back at evie.


"I love you evie." Gendry assured. "Now I have to go get ready for your engagement party."

"Gendry!" Evie begged. 

She got ready but she wasnt happy about it. Sansa was furious. What the literal hell was happening? Her father the most honorable man in the world was marrying the princess and leaving her mother? Gendry was moodier than usual and Joffrey was throwing around the idea that Gendry can't handle the pressure of being king one day and he should take over those responsibilities.

"No." Gendry corrected. "I will be king one day and when I am king, things will be different."

"You going to start killing northerns like I suggested?" Joffrey questioned. Gendry nodded. Joffrey chuckled. "I knew you werent a total goodie goodie." 

Evie looked beautiful as usual as she made her way through the crowded room. She looked to Gendry but he couldnt hold her gaze. 

"You look stunning." Ned remarked coming up to evie. Evie looked his way. Her dress was nude and covered in glittering gems.

Their engagement party

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Their engagement party. Neds annulment was signed. Robert broke off sansa and gendrys wedding out of principle that he no longer trusted the starks around his children.

He didnt trust Ned, this was for show. Robert would not stand for the indecency that happened between Ned and his daughter. Robert moved to Cersei grabbing her arm. 

"She wears shit like that and expects men not to shove their cocks in her." Robert barked. 

"She looks beautiful, it is her day to look-"

"Like a slut and thats why, Ned fucked her." Robert agreed. 

"Blame your friend for not having control around our daughter." Cersei suggested. "Maybe if she had a better father figure in her life she wouldnt have let Ned Stark touch her." Cersei decided, she glared back at Robert, pinning this on him. 

"I will handle Ned. Tell Genevieve to put some real clothes on." Robert demanded before marching off. Surprisingly enough, Cersei hadnt seen Robert drink a drop of ale since the news broke. He was stone cold sober. 

Evie danced with Ned and he looked happy, Evie found herself smiling but Ned wasnt the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, that was Gendry. 

The night passed in a blur and Evie didnt know when Gendry disappeared but she couldnt find him as the night drew to an end. 

Ned requested to walk Evie back, Robert put sandor on Evie, demanding that if Ned got too close, Sandor kill him on the spot. Sandor nodded but he wasnt going to kill ned for kissing Evie. Evie glanced back at Sandor as they walked, she offered him a small smile and he reached out a hand his knuckles brushing against her shoulder blade. A simple but kind gesture as a ghost of a smile appeared on his face. 

Evie looked to Ned and he looked nervous himself. She turned to him holding his hands in hers. 

"I'm sorry about everything." Evie remarked honestly. "I'm sorry... we let out lust get the better of us. I'm sorry I..."

"I'm not sorry." Ned corrected. Ned kissed evie goodnight and she offered him a small smile.

"We are going to be okay." Ned assured. Evie gave a tight nod before bidding him goodnight. Ned was a good man. A sweet man. A man of honor. She felt awful betraying him because she had grown to like him. A lot.

But ned was quickly pushed from her mind as Gendry stood naked before her. Evie dismissed Sandor and closed the door again. 

"That would have been really awkward if you invited your betrothed in." Gendry remarked. Evie launched herself into his arms. "Did you hear the good news?"

"Do not toy with me gendry." She countered as he pulled her dress carefully from her body. Her knuckles brush his abs, unsurprisingly rock hard and rippling. They're begging to be touched.

"Oh you will know when I toy with you my darling." Gendry corrected. "My union is dead."

"I didnt kill sansa. I thought about it though." Evie countered.

"Father killed the union. Now enough talk." Gendry begged kissing her.

Her legs parted and hooked around him as he lower himself closer. He rubbed against her, savoring the tease, the way her body arched, one more time.

Then he pushed into her slowly, completely, listening to her sharp inhale against his chest. He slide out and back in again, disappearing into her. Their hips grind together until they found a comfortable rhythm. It didnt take long they were well adapted to each others touch.

Her moans grow stronger and deeper until she's nearly screaming. He pressed into her, harder and faster, reaching for her tits. He smashed his mouth against hers, parting her lips with his tongue again, kissing her moans away.

He felt her body shudder against him, clenching and twisting with pleasure. She stiffened, then relaxed. Evie wrapped her arms around him, placing soft kisses against his temple, cheek, and jaw. Eventually and reluctantly, he rolled off her, her body immediately cuddling to his side.

They were silent for a long time, both of them just trying to catch their breath. He listened to the rhythmic in and out as they sync up with one another.

She stretched out on him, leaning back against his shoulder with her head in the crook of his neck. He was supporting her with one arm around her, the other across her lower body with his hand buried between her legs, his fingers nestled deep inside me while his thumb rubbed in slow, agonizing little circles on her clit.

Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry BaratheonWhere stories live. Discover now