21. Deprived of Love

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Evie liked Ned. It was easier to kiss him knowing gendry hated her.

Harder too. Ned was deprived of love. That was very clear. He was also very much falling for evie

Evies body pinned to the wall as neds hands moved with precision. At any moment, anyone could barge in on them. At any moment, literally anyone could find them. It way more exciting than Ned ever thought something like this would be.

Ned locked eyes with her and evie nodded again, desperation churning through her.

"Yes." Neds eyes took on a feral twist. He planted his hands on either side of her body against the wall and his face angled down to her and he exhaled over her lips, making her unconsciously bend up towards him, not yet touching, just drawn in, a magnet.

His breath was warm as it ghosts over her, another delicate exhale, another excruciating invisible pull.

"I wanted to taste you the moment I saw you," ned admitted into her mouth. His tongue darts out, flicks at her upper lip, and her head knocks back against the wall.

"Then do it," She demanded. It comes out angry; she was wound up, on the edge already, she was mad at gendry with no real reason. She was the one that messed up.

"Oh, but I savor delicacies such as this," he said with a grin and his voice deepened, that had her fisting her hands in his shirt.

she dove her hands up under his shirt, playing in the lines between his muscles. For an older more mature man he was surprisingly fit. Slowly, so fucking slowly, he brushed his lips across her. His tongue shoots out in quick, short licks that taste her top lip, her bottom; he clamps his mouth to her and sucks her tongue into his mouth, tangling the two together. She had never been kissed like this. She liked it.

Her body arched up against him and he wrapped one hand around her waist, holding her flush to him. His hard cock pinned between their bodies and made her cunt ache.

"Your moans taste so good, Genevieve," he told her and started a trail of kisses down the side of her neck, nipping and licking his way to her collarbone. The straps of her dress slide down her arm and he hooks his finger in it, tugging it harder, pulling and pulling until her breast pops out. Evie whimpered out as a knock echoed.

"I..." Evie whispered as ned fixed her dress.

"You." Ned whispered holding her face delicately in his hands as he kissed her.

"I hear you are leaving." Gendry remarkes. Sansa shrugged.

"I dont want to." Sansa countered "im glad we finally got this time alone... mostly alone." She corrected glancing back at sandor.

"He goes where i go."

"Or your sister." Sansa countered. "Maybe he could find your twin?" Gendry glanced back at sandor.

"Sorry. With father away sandor has to stick with me." Gendry countered "where is arya?"

"What? Oh. I dont know. A dancing lesson."

"Evie love," cersei cooed.

"Hi mama." She whispered. Cersei understood when she saw evies smudged lipstick. Cersei nodded wiping at the smudge.

"Talk soon love." Cersei agreed turning back around. Evie glanced back at ned.

"Got a little ahead of myself.  Im sorry Genevieve."

"Nothing to apologize for." Evie assured. "I quite enjoyed that."

"I should get going. I have a meeting." Ned realized

"And i have lessons. I usually skip but maybe i go today." Evie offered.

"Allow me to walk you." Ned requested he offered his arm and Evie didn't hesitate to take it.

Ned glanced down the hall seeing sansa and gendry. He smiled and EVie followed his gaze. She scowled but knew it wasn't warranted. Not after what she did with ned. The ways she let him kiss her.

"They are getting along." Ned remarked.

"Strange." Evie countered.

"What is?"

"You kiss me and daughter wants to fuck my brother." She answered easily. Ned stared back at her silently. It was strange. "Have a good day ned. Maybe i see you later." Ned nodded

"I look forward to it."

Evie headed off and Ned went to his meeting. Gendry made an excellent excuse and left sansas side before finding his Evie hunched over a book. Her foot tapping on the ground. Gendry watched her silently until he could not take it anymore. He moved to her side and she looked up at him.

"I miss you."

Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry BaratheonWhere stories live. Discover now