7. Big Toe

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Your name hurts / Criston cole out now!

'Rough night imp?' Sandor questioned fixing his boots.

'If I get through this without scratching one end or the other it will be a miracle.'  Tyrion told him drunkenly, his head was spinning, he hated the north. Evie moved elegantly through the fresh sheet of snow.

'Didn't pick you for a hunter.'' Sandor remarked his gaze following evie.

'I am the greatest in the land my spear never misses.' he said drunkenly, his words slurred. Evie chuckled as she passed.

'It's not hunting if you pay for it.' Sandor remarked getting up as Tyrion closed his eyes again leaning against the stables.

"Princess," Robb remarked. "I was thinking, hoping really that after the hunt you might want to share a drink with me? I can make a fire and..." He shrugged. "See where the night goes."

Evie looked Robb up and down before meeting his gaze.

"You flirting with me Robb?" Evie countered instead

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"You flirting with me Robb?" Evie countered instead. Ned's gaze shifted to them as he passed.

"I must be losing my touch if you can't tell." Robb agreed.

"Or you never had the touch to begin with." Evie purred as she headed off. Robbs gaze was glued to her. Ned whacked him over the back of the head.

"Quit staring at the princess." Ned remarked. "Get ready."

"Shes a babe." Robb whispered. Ned scruffed him again.

"Princess. Be respectful." Ned commanded.

"Be careful. Father is a shit shot." Evie remarked fixing gendrys collar.

"I will bring you back a trophy." Gendry mused.

"Ew. No," evie corrected. He kissed her temple before robert smacked his back pushing him forward.

"Stop suckling at your sisters teat and lets move out!" Robert demanded. Ned gaped back at that statement. He couldnt believe the man robert had turned into.

"The princess is like my big toe." Theon remarked as they headed out.

"What?" Robb countered confused.

"I want to bang her on everything." Theon clarified.

"Thanks my sister you speak of." Gendry warned. "Hold your tongue. Or lose it." Gendry warned.

"Sorry my prince." Theon mumbled.

"I got a bug bite!" Joffrey groaned. "They are supposed to die up here."

"Man up." Robert demanded.

"Evie love, look after your littlest siblings please. Mother needs a moment to herself." Cersei requested her eyes drifting to jaime. Evie smiled nodding.

"Have a good alone time mum." Evie agreed.

"My sweet baby girl." Cersei touched her cheek.

"Tommy love!" Evie declared. "Lets see if Rickon wants to play!"

'I know what I'm putting you through. Thank you for saying yes. I only ask you because I need you. You're a loyal friend. You hear me? A loyal friend. The last one I've got." Robert remarked

'I hope I'll serve you well.' Ned told him.

'You will. And I'll make sure you don't look so fucking grim all the time. Come on, boys, let's go kill some boar!" Ned nodded goodbye to Bran as the riding party headed off.

' Come on, you.' Bran instructed summer as she ran away from Ned and towards Bran.

"Your brother is so handsome." Sansa remarked coming up to Evie. Evies beautiful smile turned deadly.

"Tommy boy? Yes he is." Evie agreed.

"No. Gendry." Sansa whispered.

"Yeah..." evie breathed back.

"Whats he like?"

"Hard working. Doent have time for silly little girls." Evie added. "The union will fall apart before it ever happens." Evie decided bluntly. Because evie would break sansa before she ever laid a hand on gendry.

"Ohhh, well my father said I was to marry him. The king demanded it." Sansa countered.

"You are a child. My brother is going to be king. He doesnt need a child bride. He needs a woman. He wont give you the time of day." Evie remarked. "Now excuse me. I have the cutest little boy to tend to." She grabbed tommens hand and led him along. Sansa whimpered as she watched evie go.

"You should be the Hand."

"Gods forbid," Jaime replied lazily. "It's not an honor I'd want. There's far too much work involved."  Bran hung, listening, suddenly afraid to go on. They might glimpse him, if he tried to swing by he did not want to risk it. So he hung nervously.

"Don't you see the danger this puts us in?" Cersei hissed. "Robert loves the man like a brother."

"Robert can barely stomach his brothers. Not that I blame him. Stannis would be enough to give anyone indigestion." Jaime corrected. Evie loved her uncles though. Stannis was this vast knowledge. Renly was more fun than he was a teacher but evie adored him too. Liked all her uncles Lannister and Baratheon better than her father.

"Don't play the fool. Stannis and Renly are one thing, and Eddard Stark is quite another. Robert will listen to Stark  Damn them both. I should have insisted that he name you, but I was certain Stark would refuse him." Cersei grumbled out.

"What's wrong little pup?" Evie questioned stroking SUmmer's fur. The wolf barked and howled up at Bran. Her gaze shifted to him. "Bran?" Evie called out. His gaze flickered to her. "Bran? Are you... stuck? Climb in the window... umm," She looked around. "I..." She didnt know how to get up there. "Hold on tight, I will get help!" Evie assured. "Lady Catelyn!" She called out but heard a thud the moment her back was turned. Her head snapped around at the sound and she stared wide eyed back at Bran, laying lifeless before her, the wolves circled him, howling out.

Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry BaratheonWhere stories live. Discover now