24. Queen of Kings

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"Im going on a hunt". Robert remarked. Gregor stared back at him bored. "I want ned stark dead by the time I return". Gregor nodded heading off. "No one touches my daughter," he grumbled.

"Genevieve!" Robert demanded seeing her with Gendry. 

"Father." She answered. 

"Stay away from Ned Stark." Robert demanded. "Gendry, keep an eye on your sister." 

"Of course." Gendry agreed wrapping an arm around her. "Wont let her out of my sight."

"I'm going on a hunt, if I dont I might kill Ned." Robert informed them. "LANCEL! YOU FUCKER GET THE WINE!" 

"Yes your grace." He agreed scurrying off. 

"I love you two, you know that right?" Robert questioned. Evie gave Gendry a side eyed glance before nodding to her father. "Good... alright. Be good and stay away from-"

"Ned Stark. Got it." Gendry assured. They watched him march off. 

"I think he went three days without drinking." Evie remarked. "It was strange to not smell ale on his tongue." 

"Agreed." Gendry added. "What was that about?" 

"I dont know." Evie countered. "You think that was his death bed declarations?"

"What do you mean?" Gendry questioned as they walked through the gardens. 

"Like when someone knows they are going to die so they say the things their family wants to hear." Evie offered. 

"He's going on a hunt, he is not being hunted." gendry corrected. 

Evie and Gendry stumbled upon Ned Starks body, his skull was crushed and he was bleeding out onto the tulips. It took Evie a moment for her brain to process what she was seeing before she screamed a blood curdling scream.

Ned stark was dead. Sansa and Arya were being sent home with his body. Evie watched as he was carted away.

"What happened?" It was the question on everyones mind.

How did Ned Stark's skull get crushed? What happened to Ned Stark? Evie noticed the blood on Gregor's hands but that wasnt unusual for him. 

"Mother, when is father returning?" Gendry questioned. 

"I think he would want to say goodbye to Ned." Evie agreed. 

"They are on their way back." Cersei remarked smiling down at the courtyard. 

"Father?" Gendry questioned confused. He ran down as Robert was lugged to a bed the maesters tending over him. 

"He lost too much blood." The maester remarked. 

"My son, my son." Robert wheezed back.

"I'm here." Gendry agreed grabbing Roberts clammy hand. 

"Don't be afraid to take what you want. To be a king..."  

"Father?" Gendry countered confused. 

"Don't let these fuckers... push you around, boy." Robert rasped licking at dry lips. "Take care of them... be better than I was." 

"I... I will try." Gendry agreed. He stayed with Robert as he breathed his last breath. 

Stones on the eyes, closed in this world, open in the next. Evie stared down at her father as Gendry came up grabbing her hand. 

"Is Uncle Tyrion and Uncle Jaime okay?" Evie questioned. 

"Yes. I just got word. They are both with your grandfather." Cersei agreed. Evie nodded. "They are on their way here..."

"I had a talk with father." Gendry remarked. "And in honor of him, I'm making an executive decision as king of the andals." Gendry decided. 

"Already talking like a king." Cersei agreed.  Gendry turned Evie to look at him. 

"We rule together". Gendry declared. "You and I." He looked to his mother. "Evie will be my queen. People wont like it. People will hate us but we can say we are trying to respect our targaryen heritage." He decided. Evie looked to her mother wondering if she could be convinced. "I'm not asking. This is what I'm doing what we are doing." Gendry declared. He kissed Evie and she leaned into him, relaxing at his touch. "If you will have me?" 


The people were not happy, they were confused and disgusted. Tywin was horrified. Jaime was proud. Tyrion cackled out looking to his own siblings.

"They get it from you." 

"This is disgusting." Joffrey remarked. "I should be king-"

"Hush, Joff." Cersei demanded. 

Together they sat the iron throne. Gendry looked to evie a proud smile on her face. The people didn't know what to think but with the mountain glaring at them, Gregor on one side, Sandor on the other, their wicked dark glares the people kept their thoughts of incest quiet. 

"Targaryens wed brother and sister for years." Evie remarked. "My father tried to stay far away from his targaryen history because he lost the first woman he loved." She looked around at the people rising up from beside gendry. "But that was foolish of him. We have blood of the dragon in us and we have to respect what came before us."

Cersei knew Evie would be a good queen, better than Cersei because she cared, she truly cared. Not just about Gendry but about the realms. She cared about Ned even though she used him. Cersei never cared about anyone past her own children and Jaime. 

 "Our histories show us the knowledge, the wins and defeats of the past." Evie went on. "We can't ignore what has happened. But we can learn from our past ancestors mistakes and victories." Gendry stood up grabbing her hand.

"My brother and I stand united." Evie declared. "We will do our best to help in these trying times. I know everything is changing but we are here for the people. We are here for you. Starting with a hand that knows the ins and outs of the capital. My grandsire tywin Lannister." Tywin didnt expect that, but all his thoughts of this is wrong flew out the window. Tywin nodded to them. He didn't approve of their union but he was glad to be on a seat of power again. 

The way evie and gendry explained it made sense. Evie hoped others would see it that way too. Evie made her way back to the throne as the people called out long live the king. Long live the queen. She took a seat, a sexy smile on her lips as gendry stood to her right. Gendry smiled back at Genevieve, his queen.

The queen of kings.

Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry BaratheonWhere stories live. Discover now