4. Marriage?

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Evie woke up on the cold hard ground, they were almost to winterfell and her back was sore, her muscles ached, she was cold, she was fucking freezing. She was a southern girl, she didnt like this.

Gendry's arms were wrapped snuggly around her, the tent giving them little privacy. Evie shifted hiding her face in his chest, his grip tightened on her.

"Morning," He rasped. Evie loved when his first words of the night and morning were hers. She loved the raspy deepness of his voice as he spoke, she loved at night when he was tired how he said I love you, as his eyes closed.

"Morning," She echoed kissing his neck.

"Winterfell today." Gendry whispered with a heavy sigh, neither of them ready to get up and start the day.

He kissed her. And she couldn't stop him because she didn't want to stop him. She knew they were basically in public and their younger siblings were sure to come running through the tent any moment to wake them up. But Gendry's proximity fed her soul. His lips awakened her heart with possibilities. Then it ended. It was just a kiss. They had control. This was temporary. Until he kissed her again. Harder. Longer. With this kiss he promised forever, something they both knew was just a day dream.

His hands slid to her butt, and he moaned, gripping her hard as they heard Tommen shout out.

"Where is Evie's tent?"

"Fuck ..." He pulled his mouth away from hers and buried his face in her neck.  His desperation fueled her need. Evie popped her head out of the tent and Tommen ran to her. She kissed his cheek pulling him into the tent with them.

"You two had a sleep over without me?" Tommen questioned shaking his head. "That wasnt nice."

"Sorry baby boy." Evie cooed pulling him into her lap. "Next time."

Evie and Tommen went to the carriage with their mother and Myrcella while Gendry jumped onto his horse riding behind their father, Joffrey behind him. Sandor rode beside them, such a dutiful guard.

The gates opened and everyone dropped down to their knees. Ned kept his hand down at Robert approached, he waddled, that's what Evie thought as she peered out. Sandor opened the carriage door, offering her a hand. Ned rose up hugging robert as Evie took a step into a thin layer of snow.

Neds gaze lingered on the eldest princess. Genevieve. She was certainly stunning. Robert moved along the line of Starks getting introduced before gesturing loosely back to his own family. Evie looked to Gendry as he offered his arm for her. She gladly accepted it.

"He's so handsome." Sansa whispered dreamily.

"Who?" Arya countered not seeing anyone of interest.

"The prince." Sansa blushed when she thought Gendry looked her way but he was watching his father march off down to the crypts.

"Where is uncle Tyrion go?" Evie questioned looking around.

"Heavens." Cersei muttered pulling Jaime aside.

"Where is uncle Jaime going?" Tommen questioned as he marched off.

"To collect your idiot uncle." Cersei answered picking him up. "Come on, lets head inside. get warmed up."

"I can warm you up, Evie." Gendry purred. She smiled leaning into him.

Her smile disappeared and was quickly replaced by a scowl though when Cersei told them what their father was negotiating with Ned Stark.

"Marriage!" Evie shouted, infuriated.

"Marriage?" Gendry questioned.

"Nothing is set in stone." Cersei assured.

"I'm going to kill you!" Evie shouted pushing Gendry back.

"I don't know her, I dont want her!" Gendry corrected. "Stop hitting me!"

"Evie, honey, please, just get ready for the party." Cersei begged. "Stop beating up your brother."

"Argh!" evie shouted marching down the hall.

"I'm sorry, I dont mean to..." Ned hesitated, ease drop what was clearly a heated conversation between the princess and her family. Evie tried to calm the fuck down and offered him a small smile. "Are you alright Princess?"

"I'm... yes." She agreed putting on the charm. "I'm great. It's just so cold up here, would you be able to light a fire in my chambers tonight?"

"Of course." ned agreed. "Here," he wrapped his cloak around her and she breathed in the musky, smoky scent. "Keep you warm until the party." Ned offered.

"You are so sweet." Evie said softly. "I should get ready," she tipped her head to her door, gendry grit his teeth as he stared back at them.

"Of course, but you already look beautiful, princess." Ned informed her, he didnt give her time to answer before he was heading off.

"I dont want her." Gendry repeated when he found her nursing a glass of wine.

"You going to talk to her? Flirt with her? She's your betrothed apparently," Evie sassed.

"Evie, stop." Gendry begged. "Nothing is set... we knew it wasnt forever, you kept telling me that."

"She's staring at you, apparently she knows the good news." Evie hissed finishing her drink. "She hasnt stopped staring at you but of course, she would fall head over heels in love with you at first sight." Evie grumbled.

"Evie," Gendry whispered reaching out for her.

"You want to flirt, lets flirt." Evie agreed strutting off.

"I didnt..." Gendry felt defeated. Gendry didn't realize what he had gotten into. She smiled twirling her hair around her finger as she leaned into Robb, laughing and smiling. Gendry looked around. Fine. He was up for the challenge. Evie needed to let off steam and then they would find their way into each others beds tonight.

"Hi... um.. Sansa?" Gendry offered awkwardly. He didnt really talk to girls beside Evie. He didnt care for them, they were moody and difficult, Evie was more than enough woman for him.

"Hi!" She squeaked back nervously.

"Oh, the nights watch," Evie remarked running a hand over Benjen's arm. "You must be a ranger."

"I am." Benjen agreed.

"Good at it too." Evie pondered.

"I think so." Benjen agreed again.

"Ah, Benjen you met Princess Genevieve." Ned remarked.

"Please, call me Evie." She purred, her gaze shifted to Ned. He shifted back a step, swallowing the lump in his throat. "I left your cloak in my chambers, you will have to come and pick it up tonight." Evie remarked. "I wouldnt want you cold." Neds eyes searched her delicate face, her mischievous smile. The brothers stared at her as she walked off, she knew what she was doing.

"Careful ned," Benjen warned.


"Thats the princess and you are married." Benjen clarified.

"I didnt do anything." Ned reminded him.

"Your cloak?"

"She was cold."

'YOu going to go to her chambers tonight to collect... your cloak?" Benjen mused.

"She's... she's the princess. I'm married. I was just being nice, she was cold." Ned decided.

"Careful Ned, that girl is trouble. I can see the end before it begins."

Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry BaratheonWhere stories live. Discover now