20. Dirty

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""You fucked him." Gendry realized.

"sort of." Evie admitted.

"Sort of?" Gendry demanded.

"You are to be married to Sansa!" Evie shouted back.

"I'm never going to marry her!"

"No?" Evie whispered.

"NO!" Gendry shouted. "I love you!"

"And we can never be together!" Evie countered.

"What if we could?"

"that's just a day dream, Gen." Evie murmured.

"What did you and Stark do?" Gendry questioned. "What was the sort of fuck him did you mean?" he demanded when she stayed quiet. 

"I only gave him a blow job." Evie admitted. "To keep him quiet about mother!"

"You put your lips on his cock!" Gendry shouted.

"Yeah. It's not a big deal. He wasn't inside me or anything." Evie assured.

"It's a big fucking deal, I bet he came in your mouth, I bet you kissed me with that mouth after wards." Gendry added completely distraught.

"It's not a big deal. I was trying to protect mother!" Evie reminded him.

"Not a big deal. Maybe I let sansa blow me." Gendry countered.

"What other purpose besides to hurt me?" Evie challenged staring back him, looking him dead in the eye. Gendry hesitated.

"You were right, this was never going to be forever." Gendry remarked. "I suppose I should try and get to know my betrothed." He marched off and evie screamed as she door slammed shut, she kept screaming until her voice was hoarse.

"Evie?" Cersei whispered peering in, Evie was a crying mess. "Honey what happened?"

"Gendry hates me!" Evie shouted. "I... I..."

"You and Ned-"

"It didnt mean anything! The easiest way to a mans heart is through his cock!" Evie shouted, sobbing into her mother.

''It usually is." Cersei agreed.

Gendry couldnt pretend to fall for sansa. Sansa was so annoying. All she cared about was being queen. Gendry was excited to be king one day but not the whole idea of marriage and a queen that wasnt evie. But he had to move on. He forced a smile and sansa leaned into him.

He felt sick. How could evie do such a thing? Didn't she love him at all?

Gendry marched off fury radiating through him. He needed to punch someone. He settled on training instead.

Sandor stumbled back impressed with Gendry rage.

"Channel that rage boy." Sandor instructed. "Dont let it get the better of you."

"I think i would rather let it control me and kill a fucker." Gendry corrected. Sandor chuckled.

"Who did you wrong?"

"What are you? A septa? We dont talk about our problems. We beat each other up." Gendry demanded.

"You are the boss." Sandor agreed.

"Hello Princess."

"Hello Ned." Evie answered softly. "Im
Sorry about yesterday."

"Im not." Ned admitted. "You are a beautiful young man... I feel as though I took advantage of you though."

"I think it was I taking advantage of you and your... eager member." Evie countered.

"Have you been crying?" Ned questioned sitting beside her touching her cheek.

"Oh its nothing." Evie assured but she didn't even believe herself.

"I think- I would like to think at least that i know you better than that." Ned countered.

"More than a little." Evie agreed.

"Tell me what's bothering you. What can i do to help?" Ned requested

"You really mean that." Evie realized. "You really want to help."

"I do."

Evie felt bad that she was using him but her mother always looked out for her. It was her turn to look out for this family. The women alwaya did the dirty work. Evie liked ned. It wasnt like she was willing to give a blow job to anyone. She was already in like with him. Not in love. But in like.

Evie felt so dirty yet she felt just a bit better as she leaned into Ned. He wrapped his arms around her. Evies teeth chattered against him.

"Genevieve," he whispered kissing her temple. "Genevieve what happened?"

"Gendry is mad at me. I dont even blame him." Evie whispered. "I messed up but-"

"Hes your brother." Ned carassed her cheek. "You two will get through it."

"How do you know?"

"Because life with you is a million times better than without." Ned remarked. "You two will get through it."

"Thanks Ned. You are hard not to like. You know that?" Evie questioned. Ned chuckled. "I should get going.... See if I can try and figure out a way to... fix things with Gen."

"Good luck. Im here if you need me." Ned added giving her hand a squeeze.

"For someone with such perfect complexion you certainly conceal a lot,"'petyr remarked coming up behind Evie. She glanced back at him. "What happened, princess?"

"You dont know?"

"No. Should I?"

"No." Evie countered. "Its private."

"If you ever need a friend." Petyr countered.

"I will call upon you," evie mused.

"I would hope so."

Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry BaratheonWhere stories live. Discover now