11. Drown

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"It's a perfect day." Evie remarked. "I'm stealing your children." Ned blinked back at her. "Sansa needs to get out of her shell of knitting and sewing. Arya needs to stop trying to train with the knights, she is going to get killed."

"I..." Ned sighed. "Her brother gave her a sword before we left."

"It's a nice little blade." Evie agreed.

"Where are you stealing them too?"

"The waters for a swim, do they know how to swim?"

"They might prefer shallow waters." Ned countered.

"Do you know how to swim?"

"I do." Ned agreed.

"Then you should join us, make sure I dont accidentally drown sansa." Evie offered sincerely.

Ned watched as she walked off, Gendry took her hand as they headed to the shores with Myrcella and Tommen too. Tommen pried their hands apart and grabbed onto each of them wanting to be swung back and forth as they walked.

"You are getting a little too big for this." Gendry remarked.

"What do you swim in?" Sansa questioned.

"In the nude." Evie answered. Sansa paled. "But I will wear clothes today," she let her dress fall and neds eyes raked over her from up the sandy beach. Gendry tried not to stare. Cersei had made it special for Evie since she loved to swim, something elegant and sexy for the waters, better than everyone seeing the princesses cunt.

"I dont know how to swim." Sansa admitted.

"Then I suggest you try not to drown." Evie countered as myrcella and tommen ran into the waters.

"Come on Evie

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"Come on Evie." Gendry pulled her along picking her up and throwing her in. Evie laughed out as she collided with the waters surface. Gendry was quick to jump in after her. Arya ran out making sure she could touch the sandy sea floor as she splashed around.

"Father. I cant swim." Sansa whispered.

"Just stay were you can touch." Ned suggested peeling his shirt off.

"Are you joining us?" Sansa questioned

"Is that alright?" Ned countered.

"Yes its just... well i was hoping for some alone time with gendry but he doesnt care about me. Maybe you can steal princess evie away so I can talk to him?" Sansa suggested.

"I will try on dry land to get you and gendry a moment alone." Ned agreed as he headed in. Sansa splashed in the shores. She was sure she would looked like a drowned cat if she went under. While evie popped up looking like a water goddess. Water droplets dripping down her face and chest her hair pushed back beautifully over the back of her head.

Evie winked back at ned before diving back under to grab tommens feet. He jumped up giggling when he saw it was his sister and not a sea monster.

Sansa begged and begged. Ned gave in requesting a tour of the gardens from evie. She didn't know why he wanted a tour from her but she agreed.

"This os my favorite spot." Evie remarked. "My uncle tyrion had a bench put in just for me. So I could sit and read or enjoy the sunset." Ned smiled as she took a seat.

"Might i?"

"Please do." Evie agreed.

"You surprise me Princess." Ned admitted as they sat admiring the view.

"Oh?" Evie countered.

"You know I was hesitant bringing my girls-"

"Despite the union?" The impending doom. The end of evies happiness if she didnt murder Sansa first.

"Sansa is very much a child compared you and your brother." Ned remarked. "But your brother is a fine man. I can already see it."

"He is." Evie agreed. "Hes the best twin the best brother a girl could ask for."

"Thank you for including my girls in today." Ned added. "I know arya enjoyed herself."

"You enjoyed yourself as well?" Evie pondered.

"I did." Ned agreed.

"Gendry!" Sansa declared chasing after him. He failed at holding back a groan and forced a smile all the same as he turned to sansa. She had been chasing him like a lost puppy.

"Sansa. Didnt see you there." Gendry offered. "Im headed to training."

"Oh i will walk with you." Sansa decided. She reached out for his arm but gendry was a one woman type of man. He lifted his arms up pretending to stretch.

"So, do you have any ideas anout our wedding?"

Gendry choked on his tongue.

"What?" He rasped.

"Our wedding. Do you want flowers? I think i want a crown of flowers." Sansa remarked. Gendrys lips went dry his heart raced. His face flushed with color. Sansa thought it was happiness and not fear of the future. A future without his evie.

"And food! What do you like to eat? I like lemon tarts-"

"I have to go." Gendry corrected veering off and sprinting down the hall.  He ran to evies spot hoping to find her. He heard her laugh and knew she wasnt alone. He peered in expecting to see tommen or myrcella. He never expected to see Ned Stark beside Evie.

Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry BaratheonWhere stories live. Discover now