5. Stroke My Fire

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"You done tormenting me?" Gendry questioned.

"Lets see, Robb and THeon thought I was charming, Theon offered to warm my bed tonight. Benjen, Ranger Benjen-" Gendry rolled his eyes as he sealed her door. "He was cute, handsome really. OH and I am expecting Ned stark here any moment now."

"Oh? Pray tell for what?" Gendry questioned.

"Lighting a fire in me." Evie purred. Gendry scoffed turning his head towards the door.

"Stop tormenting me." Gendry begged. Evie sat down on her bed, crossing her legs, leaning back on her palms. "You hate me now? Because I dont want her, I want you. Stop tormenting me I had no say in this, this is fathers doing!" Gendry begged. Gendry edged closer to Evie, his legs beginning to press against hers. The heat she felt earlier resurfaced with a vengeance, spreading like wildfire from her throat all the way down to her cunt.

"Genevieve," he breathed. The way he said her name—somewhere between an exhale and a whisper— was more than Evie could bear. His eyes traveled to her mouth and it doesn't feel like he's moving but he's inexplicably closer than a moment ago.

''Kiss me.'' Evie whispered. ''Kiss me and see how important you are to me.'' Gendry obliged immediately his lips finding hers. "Kiss me until I can't speak." Evie requested.

She parted her lips for him, his tongue lapping at hers. Somehow and suddenly, they were horizontal. The transition was smooth, so smooth she didn't even notice the motion. Years of practice.

Gendry had one hand above him, holding himself in place by gripping the edge of the bed. His other caresses her back and sides with each slow kiss.

He pulled her up to a standing position. He didnt ask he knew what she wanted. He loosened the strings and Evie felt the lack of restriction as it clung loosely to her. His fingertips trailed her spine as the strings were free pulling it down slowly. He dragged his hands over her hips, nibbling her bare shoulder. He pulled her dress over her hips and Evie stepped out when it fell to the floor.

His hand touched her cheek gently before moving down her, his gaze shifting lower.  In fact, he's licking his lips. One of his hands has a grip on her back moving lower with every heart beat, while the other has gone rogue, making its way up Evie's now parted legs.

"Close your eyes," he said. Evie did as instructed, the thumb of his hand occasionally pressing into her flesh. It trailed farther and farther up, coming to rest just beyond the center of her. "Spread your legs wider," he said softly. Her knees wobble as she widen her stance. "Good girl," he whispered. Ugh. That's almost too much for Evie to handle. The backs of his knuckles graze her most sensitive skin, her body shuddering at the brief contact.

Then, all at once, two fingers glide over her with fervent intention. There's no stopping the moan as it escaped her mouth. She didn't even try to stop it. His fingers glided over her again, this time more slowly. Then again. They stop mid-stroke and go in the opposite direction. The next thing Evie knew, they're swiping over her again and again, her knees all but bucking under the pleasure. Evie gripped his shoulder, certain this was what an orgasm was, just like this. No part of him was inside of her but she felt so close she could feel it beginning to build. Then, his touch was gone.

Gendry was back on his feet, kissing her lips as Evie finally opened her eyes. Gendry smirked at the annoyed look on her face.

"What are you doing?" Evie asked, more demanded. "I was..."

"I know, gorgeous," Gendry answered, smiling. "I can feel it."

"Then why did you stop?" Evie questioned as he held her to him. "Thats no way to please me."

"We're in no rush. We have plenty of time." He assured laying her back down on the bed. She laughed out pulling his shirt off over his head.


"Sleep well honey?" Cersei cooed, running her fingers through evie's hair.

"Wonderful." Evie agreed.

It was an unspoken agreement that Cersei knew what Evie and gendry were up to and Evie and Gendry knew about Cersei and Jaime.

The women sipped their tea, Cersei's gaze shifted to the cloak around Evie's shoulders. She was going to ask who's cloak that was when she saw the direwolf emblem. Ned approached a spring in his step.

"Good morning," Ned remarked. Evie turned to him, her usual charming smile on her lush lips.

"Hello Ned, you didnt collect your cloak so I'm keeping it." Evie informed him sweetly. Ned smiled softly to himself as he poured himself a cup of tea.

"Yours to keep, for as long as you need it." Ned assured. "I'm used to the cold."

"I can see that. Are you going to be able to adjust to such warmer weather down south?" Evie pondered.

Cersei didnt like how easily Evie got on with everyone, she supposed it was a good trait to have. She certainly didnt get it from Cersei. Tyrion got on with everyone, but not everyone got on with Tyrion. Robert used to have friends that liked him for him and not just for what the crown provided. 

But Cersei really didnt think she liked how easily Evie and Ned got along. Ned? Gods, no. Cersei rolled her eyes. 

"Sleep well?" Ned questioned. 

"Yes, my brother stroked my fire for me since you didnt stop by." Evie agreed. Ned blushed, Evie smirked knowing what he was thinking, knowing he also didnt know her double meaning for Gendry's stroking last night. 

Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry BaratheonWhere stories live. Discover now