19. Vulnerable

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"Hello Lord Stark." Evie purred.

"Evie." Ned answered looking up from his desk. She moved to him kicking the door closed. "I suspect your mother spoke to-"

"Shh," Evie countered bringing a finger to his lips. "Lets not talk about her..." she stared at him with longing and passion and Ned was hypnotized. 

"I-" Ned whispered his lips suddenly dry

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"I-" Ned whispered his lips suddenly dry. She knelt down and put her hands on his thighs tugging at his belt. "Ev-"

"Shhh," she whispered, willing her nerves to abate and nudging his hands away. Evie reached inside his pants and gripped him in her hand, reveling in the way his breath caught and his head fell back against the chair. Her heartbeat quickened. He was big which, yes, she had already anticipated. 

But it was one thing to see the outline and general shape of a mans cock when he was still wearing clothes—and entirely another when she had it in her hands.

 "What are you doing?" His voice was low, his dark eyes dazed and incredulous. He was so beautiful, and vulnerable, in that moment. She knew what she had to do, had to make him want her, need her, she wanted to make him feel as good it was how she would own him.

 "This," Evie said simply, before leaning over and taking him into her mouth. She half expected him to protest again, but he didn't. He fell back against the chair with a rough groan, hands balled up into fists and pressed into the arms of the chair. 

If he was worried about losing control what better way to dial things down a bit than to give him a take the edge off and dont threaten my family orgasm before all hell broke loose? A pregame blow job usually helped men right? Whores seemed to complain of sore jaws. Evie had never done this with Gendry before, she liked him inside her. 

But this was different this wasnt love this was manipulation and Ned was falling for it.  Evie was willing to bet he wasn't that different from anyone else. Any other man, that given a pretty face and plump lips to wrap around his needy cock he would break. 

 On instinct, she took him deeper into her mouth, enjoying the heady combination of salt and musk and Ned on her tongue. The helpless, pleasured sounds he made as she worked him spurred her on, encouraging her to take him deeper. Grip him tighter. 

Evie hated to admit that she was enjoying this. She liked the feel of him on her tongue.  When she glanced up at his face his jaw was slack and his eyes were glazed over in pleasure. He met her gaze with a reverence and a desperation that made her eager to have him inside her. Gods that was a scary thought. She had loved Gendry for as long as she could remember and one blow job and she was ready to fuck ned? No, that was just emotions and his thick cock throbbing making her mind fuzzy. 

"Is this . . . is this okay?" he murmured as if he finally realized that the princess was on her knees before him, his eldest friends, eldest daughter was sucking his cock right now. 

He cupped her face in unsteady hands, eyes holding mine as he gently stroked her cheeks with his thumbs. By way of response she snaked a hand around his body and squeezed his ass. 

He gave an inhuman groan she felt more than heard as whatever fragile grip he'd still had on his self-control snapped and fell away. 

One large hand found its way to the top of her head, pushing her down just a little as his hips began to jerk upward in a rhythmic motion beneath her mouth. It was hard, it was fast and it was glorious. 

If the incomprehensible sounds he was making, and the way his head thrashed back and forth, were any guide, Ned Stark was incapacitated from the pleasure of Evie Baratheon taking him as deeply as she could. 

"Oh, fuck," he groaned. Both of his hands were on her head now, guiding her movements as he trembled and fought for control. And for release. His thrusts were already becoming more erratic and picking up speed. Her hands were growing slippery with her saliva and his own secretions.

 "Evie, oh gods, Evie—" He cut himself off, biting hard on his lip. She looked up at his face as they moved in tandem, his eyes squeezed tightly shut, his chest heaving. 

This wasnt going to be hard, Evie decided. Ned was hard but getting him to fall and give in, that would be easier. 

 Something in the way she was looking through his eyes. It made him wonder if he was going to make it out alive. It was thrilling and dangerous and he craved her.

Fight so dirty but her love was so sweet. Talk so pretty but Evie's heart had teeth. Late night devil, when she put her hands on him. And never, never, never ever let go.

Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry BaratheonWhere stories live. Discover now