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When Kalani ran inside I immediately knew something was wrong, a part of me wanted to yell her name and tell her to come here, but the other part of me let her be

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When Kalani ran inside I immediately knew something was wrong, a part of me wanted to yell her name and tell her to come here, but the other part of me let her be. I knew something was going on, and I knew part of it was because of me.

I honestly didn't care.

She belonged to me, she knew she did, and the only thing clouding her judgment was this Christian guy. Since they were younger I wanted to put him 6 feet under, but I knew if I did Kalani would never forgive me, and even then when I didn't even know her much, I cared about what she thought about me.

I'd rather her fear me than hate me forever, she probably hates me now but for a reason I can make go away, I could take of her, if she'd just let me.

I'm an evil motherfucker, I know I am. But I can learn to be gentle with her, I treated my mother like a queen. I can do the same with her.

"Looks like she can't stand you already." I hear Leon say, I really can't stand this fucker. We walk inside and I see everyone who comes each time for the same reasons.

My eyes immediately go to Kalani's room, I remember seeing her sneak out when this event was going on. No one noticed her door open, no one saw her sneak toward the balcony of the stairs and watch us talk and drink.

But I did.

I remember how her eyes locked with mine, and from that moment on, she knew she was mine.

She was so innocent, she still is. I don't know what she has been through, but I want to know. I want to hurt whoever had hurt her.

She doesn't know when we were younger she had gone to a party, and I went as well. Well not exactly, I sent my men to look after her. I remember them telling me someone had touched her inappropriately.

I saw red.

The next day I hunted him down and chased him out of town, he was never seen again. I didn't want to kill him which took everything in me, it's like a part of me wanted to protect her, but also be better for her.

"Soren, nice to see you again." I look to see Martin, I know he's not actually happy to see me. He definitely won't be happy when I try to take over his business. My goal is to always keep Kalani safe, his is the complete opposite.

it seems to her and everyone else that my intentions with her are bad, but in reality, they aren't. I want to keep my reputation of being evil and feared so no one would dare cross me, I can't let Kalani see the weakness I have for her, because let's face it,

I am weak for her.

But she can't know that, not yet anyway. No one can.

"Martin, always a pleasure," I say calmly, the only reason why I haven't killed him is that he is my fiancé's father, he should honestly thank her.

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