2 ~ Ferrari Headquarters

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It's been a few days since I came to live with Charles. He has his rules, which I've managed to follow pretty well, apart from the swearing. I've sworn a lot. He told me that if I swear often, he will ground me. Like come on bro, it's not that deep!

The thing is, Charles travels a lot. Pretty much every week he's in a different part of the world. Which makes it extremely difficult for people like me, who have no fucking friends, to make said friends.

Like what does he expect me to do? How does he expect me to attend school when I'm not even in Monaco for more than half the year? I don't think Charles has thought this through particularly well.

"Emilie, come have some breakfast." Charles says, knocking on my bedroom door. I've always dreamt about living with a formula one driver, but now that it's become reality, it's not exactly what I imagined.

I imagined me waking up every morning to the sound of race cars and people talking. This morning I woke up to the sound of security shouting at some fans for trying to climb over the gate.

"Coming." I reply, before getting up out of bed and walking downstairs. I'm texting Jack, when I walk into something. I'm not looking where I'm going.

"Shit." I say quietly, as I walk into what seems like a brick wall, before looking up from my phone. It in fact is not a brick wall, it's Charles.

He grabs my phone out of my hand, and holds it higher up in the air where I can't reach it.

"What did I tell you about swearing?" Charles asks, looking down at me, and laughing slightly.

"Not to do it." I reply bluntly, before grabbing my phone out of his hand.

"That's right. Now don't do it again please, or I'll be keeping that for a day or two." Charles says, pointing at my phone.

"Ok, sorry." I say apologetically, before walking into the kitchen. I grab a bowl out of the cupboard, and get the weetabix out of the pantry. Weetabix and sugar is the perfect breakfast cereal.

I put two weetabix in the bowl, and cover them with milk, before pouring the sugar on top.

"Don't use up all my sugar." Charles jokes, grabbing the milk and putting it back in the fridge.

"I haven't even put that much sugar on." I argue back, laughing.

"You might as well be eating sugar straight out the jar." Charles responds, smiling.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I laugh, picking up my spoon and beginning to eat my breakfast.

Today Charles is taking me to the Ferrari headquarters to meet Carlos and some engineers. I'm so excited!

"After you've finished your breakfast, go brush your teeth. We're leaving in five minutes." Charles says, buttoning up his white and black patterned shirt, leaving the top few undone.

I quickly finish my breakfast, and go upstairs to brush my teeth.

Once I'm ready, I walk back downstairs and see Charles stood waiting for me.

"You ready?" He asks, looking at me. I nod to show him I am. "Come on then, let's go." He adds, opening the front door.

"Which car do you want to take?" Charles asks, pointing to his collection of car keys which are hung on some hooks.

"Which one is the fastest?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Probably my McLaren." Charles says, smiling slightly. I smile at him, and he grabs the McLaren car keys.

I walk out of the house and Charles follows, after setting the alarm. He locks the front door and walks over to his car, clicking the button to unlock it.

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