8 ~ vape

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"I need to talk to you." Charles says firmly, getting up out of his seat and sitting down in front of me. I fiddle about with the buckle on the seat belt, and shift uncomfortably in my seat.

We're on the Ferrari private jet, flying to Saudi Arabia for the next Grand Prix.

"I want to know why I got a phone call from your school, on Wednesday, saying that you punched another student." He states angrily, but keeping his volume down so it doesn't spark any unnecessary attention.

Carlos watches us from across the aisle, I assume to make sure we're ok and that Charles doesn't kill me.

"She deserved it." I whisper, looking down at my lap, not wanting to make eye contact.

"Right, so people deserve to have their faces smashed in do they?" Charles asks, at his normal volume, obviously having minimal patience left.

"I only broke her nose." I state quietly, still not making eye contact.

"That's not the point." Charles states loudly, making the whole plane go silent. I take a sharp breath at Charles' outburst.

"Charles." Carlos states, looking at him slightly shocked, nodding his head towards me. My eyes well up with tears as I try to prevent myself from crying. I don't like it when Charles shouts.

"What could she have possibly done to deserve getting her nose broken?" Charles asks quieter, and everyone resumes their conversations, filling the cabin with noise.

"She told everyone that I was drinking on Tuesday night." I mutter quietly, still not looking at him.

"Well you were. If you didn't want people to find out, you shouldn't have done it." He states, leaning back in his chair, not giving a shit.

I look up at Charles in slight shock at his response, and his eyes are cold. The only emotion in them is anger. I thought he would be more understanding. More tears form in my eyes as I try my best not to cry.

"Fuck off." I state quietly, before abruptly standing up out of my seat and quickly walking down the aisle, towards the toilet.

Charles stands up and follows me, his strides long and his pace fast. Charles' head engineer, stands up out of his seat, blocking my path.

"Move." I say, trying to get around him.

"You don't speak to Charles like that, he deserves your respect." The head engineer states firmly, not letting me past. I barge past him, shoving his chest as I go round, forcing him to lose his balance slightly.

I walk to the cubicles, with Charles still following after me. Luckily, no one is in the cubicles. I go into the toilet and lock the door.

"Emilie." Charles' stern voice sounds through the door. "Get your ass out here now." He adds, still in the same stern, scary voice.

I take deep, shaky breaths trying to compose my breathing. I think I'm having a panic attack. Charles is so scary when he's mad.

"I can unlock this door from the outside. Open it now." His voice says, clearly with little to no patience left.

"Mate." Carlos' voice comes from behind the door, talking to Charles. "Just give her a few minutes to calm down." He adds.

"She doesn't need time to calm down. She needs to listen to me." Charles states angrily, in response to Carlos' statement.

"You need to talk to her like a rational person." Carlos says calmly.

"Emilie, come on." Charles states impatiently, anger still laced in his voice, knocking on the door. "If I would have sworn at my parents when I was younger, I would have gotten a right slap. She needs to learn respect. Obviously her dad never enforced it, so now it's my job. I'm letting her off lightly by just grounding her." He adds, slightly quieter, speaking to Carlos.

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