20 ~ grid dinner

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"Put something nice on." Charles says as I walk downstairs in jeans and a hoodie. He is wearing his Ferrari suit. It's the grid dinner tonight, and I don't want to go.

"But-" I begin to argue before he puts his finger in front of my face, telling me to be quiet.

"Put something nice on." He repeats, his tone sterner and less lenient. I sigh before walking upstairs and changing into this dark green, tight, mid-thigh length dress Charles bought for me after hours of persuasion.

"Alex?" I call out as she walks past my bedroom. She stops and looks at me, smiling slightly. She's beautiful. She's wearing this navy blue tight dress which goes down to her ankles. "Can you curl my hair for me?" I ask, sitting down at my dressing table and letting my curlers heat up.

"Yeah of course I can." She smiles before walking into my bedroom and standing behind me. She parts my hair into two sections, one at the top and one at the bottom, clipping the top bit up and out of the way.

"We've only got twenty minutes, so I can't do it myself. Not that I could do it in the first place." I say as she runs my hairbrush through my hair.

"I could teach you some other time, if you want." She says, as the curlers beep, letting us know they're heated up.

"Yes please." I respond, smiling at her through the reflection in the mirror. I've always hated how I look in the mirror, that's how people actually see me. It's horrible.

"Your hair is so soft." She says, gently running her fingers through my hair before wrapping a piece around the curlers.

About ten minutes later, she finishes the bottom half before picking up the bottle of hair spray off my dressing table and lightly spraying my hair.

"It's all crispy." I laugh, gently touching it, being careful not to mess up my curls. "It looks so good." I add, bringing my hair over my shoulders so I can look in the mirror at it.

She unclips the top half of my hair, letting it fall down and cover my shoulders, before splitting it into two sections, left and right. She curls all my hair, dusting the top half with hair spray, and taking a small step back to look at my hair.

"Thank you." I smile at her as I stand up off my chair and look in the mirror. I grab my necklace off my dressing table, and she takes it out of my hand before draping it round my neck and fastening it at the back, pulling my curled hair over the top.

"Do you think Charles would let me get my second ear piercing done?" I ask as I put in some relatively big earrings which have three flowers going up my ear.

"Depends on how nicely you ask him. If he doesn't say yes, I'll take you anyway." Alex says, gently running her fingers through my hair to separate the curls.

I grab a bottle of perfume off my dressing table and spray it on my neck, wrists and down my body. It stings slightly on my wrists but I try not to show it. Charles knows and Lando said he was going to ask Charles about it, and that's already too many people who know.

"You look beautiful." She says quietly, looking over my shoulder and meeting my eyes in the mirror. I smile at her take a deep breath. I've never looked so pretty. I don't know how to curl my own hair and no one ever taught me since my mum died when I was born and my dad didn't put any effort in to help me. He only cared about racing.

"Come on! We're going to be late!" Charles shouts up the stairs, looking at the time on his fancy Rolex watch and getting his phone out of his suit trousers pocket.

"He's acting like it's life or death. It's literally just a grid dinner." I laugh, running my fingers through my hair and pulling it over the front of my shoulders.

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