33 ~ arguments

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"Can I speak to Charles?" I ask Xavi, giving him a small smile and leaning my elbows on the table beside him, after jumping up onto the pit wall. He glances at me and nods his head before taking the headphones off his head and handing them to me.

"Charlie." I say, my voice slightly wobbly as I speak.

"Em, are you okay?" He asks with worry in his voice at the sound of me on his radio.

"My dad is in the pit lane." I answer, taking a deep breath and looking around, managing to find him with my eyes again.

"I'm coming in now. Stay with Xavi." He states as I watch the little red dot on the screen labelled 'LEC' travel around the last few corners.

A few seconds later, he comes into the pit lane, followed by Lando. It's near the end of Q1 now anyway, so most drivers are starting to come back in. Charles loosens his straps and takes his steering wheel out of the car, handing it to one of the mechanics before pulling himself out and jumping onto the tarmac.

"Em." He says, running across the pit lane and stepping up onto the pit wall beside me, pulling his helmet off his head and shoving his balaclava inside his helmet. "Where is he?" He adds, looking around with anger on his face.

"Near the gate to the paddock." I say quietly, looking in his direction. He's been staring at me for ages. No wonder I felt like someone was watching me.

Charles doesn't say anything, but jumps down off the wall and starts quickly walking over to where my dad is stood. I follow behind him, struggling to keep up as some camera crews and personnel from multiple different teams begin to join the crowd. I quickly loose sight of Charles while trying to barge my way through all the people.

I turn around and start running towards the McLaren garage to get the one person I know is in the garage.

"Lando!" I shout at him, grabbing his hand and pulling him along behind me. He looks at me confusedly but follows behind me anyway.

"What's going on?" He asks as I let go of his hand and run down the pit lane back towards where Charles and my dad are. I shove my way through all the people, Charles coming into view. He looks so angry as he shouts at my dad. Lando walks past me, trying to get in between them.

"You need to leave Emilie alone! This is the last time I'm telling you before I get the police involved!" Charles shouts at my dad, practically pushing Lando out of the way and stepping closer to my dad.

"I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm just enjoying my weekend at the Grand Prix." My dad responds, a smug look on his face. God I hate him so much.

"You're stalking me and my kid! Sending her messages asking her where she is going with my brother, is stalking and harassment!" Charles shouts, pointing his finger in my dads face.

"She's my daughter!" My dad shouts, stepping closer to Charles. I'm so scared. I can feel tears beginning to well in my eyes.

"You fucking abandoned her! You may be her father but you are not her dad! I give her the fucking world! You couldn't even support her after a bad race!" Charles shouts louder, pushing my dad by his shoulders slightly. Lando steps back, not wanting to get injured.

I look around for any help. Max, Pierre, Oscar, Logan, literally anyone, any single one of the drivers to help. But I can't see anyone through the massive crowd. I feel trapped. I hate it. I need to get some help, but I can't leave them.

"Emilie?" I hear someone shout through the crowd, getting closer and closer. I stand on my tiptoes, trying to see who it is. Max appears, his cap on his head and a worried look on his face.

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