18 ~ alleyway

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"What did the headteacher say?" Theo asks as I sit down at the table at lunch. I begged Charles to take me home, but he refused. He said I already miss more than enough school, and that I can't afford to be off anymore than what's necessary.

"He said he will speak to Ella." I say quietly, not making eye contact and resting my elbows on the table. He furrows his eyebrows at me.

"Are you not eating your lunch?" He asks, gesturing towards my backpack which is on the floor next to my feet. I shake my head at him.

"Why not?" He asks, with slight concern in his voice. I take a deep breath and look at him.

"I'm not hungry." I say, smiling at him slightly before reverting my gaze back to the table. He sits there, looking at me.

"You have to eat something. Here, you can have half of my sandwich." He offers, handing me the uneaten half of his ham and cheese sandwich. I push his hand away gently and refuse to take it.

"I'm not in the mood to eat right now." I say quietly, resting my head in my hands. He sighs silently.

"Ok. It's there if you decide you want it." He smiles, placing it on top of his lunchbox lid and pushing it towards me slightly.

"Thanks." I smile back at him, looking at the sandwich and then into his eyes. He's so pretty. I could look at him for hours.

"You know, Em. You don't deserve a boy like Archie. He's not good enough for you. I think you deserve someone much better." He says, looking at me, a small smile plastered on his face. I smile at him, feeling my cheeks flush red. I'm blushing.

"How's you and Charlotte going?" I ask him, and his face quickly changes. He looks sad but also angry.

"We aren't together anymore. She cheated on me." He says, shrugging his shoulders slightly as he looks into my eyes. I feel so bad for him. He's such a nice person. I would never cheat on anybody, especially Theo.

"Who with?" I ask, sympathy laced into my voice. He shrugs his shoulders at me once more, breaking eye contact as he does so.

"She didn't tell me who." He says quietly, his eyes darting around the table, looking at anything but me. I think he's lying. I've never seen him act like this. It must be someone bad if he won't even tell me.

"Ok, I'm so sorry Theo. You don't deserve her. She's horrible." I say, reaching my hand towards his and placing mine on top. He looks at me again and smiles before rubbing the top of my hand with his thumb.

"Thanks Em." He whispers, smiling at me and looking into my eyes. I want to kiss him so badly, but that would probably ruin our whole friendship. I doubt he feels the same way.


I left school a few minutes before the bell rung, to avoid the crowds and so I can walk home. I don't want to talk to Charles. He didn't let me go home earlier.

I walk out of the gates, a few groups of kids are already out of lesson. I feel like I'm being watched. I've got an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

I walk down the pavement, deciding to take a short cut down an alley way. I'm pushed from behind, me catching myself before I fall over. I turn around to look at who pushed me. It's Ella. A small group of friends are stood behind her.

She punches me in the face and I stumble backwards, holding my face. My nose starts bleeding and I try to stop it by pinching the top and tilting my head back slightly.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Ella pushes my shoulders and I take a step back. I turn around and run through the alley way as fast as I can in these stupid school shoes.

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