29 ~ shopping

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"Can we go shopping?" I ask Charles as he walks into the living room. He furrows his eyebrows at me and looks at Alex who is sat beside me.

"Why?" He asks, taking a sip of the drink he just made himself.

"I just want some new clothes. I saw some nice things online." I shrug, smiling at Alex slightly.

"No." He states, shaking his head slightly. I look at him in slight shock, and furrow my eyebrows.

"What? Why?" I whine, throwing my head back and sighing.

"Because I said so." He says, looking at Alex for help. She shrugs her shoulders and laughs slightly. She's the one who told me to ask him if we can go shopping.

"I think it would be good for all of us. We can have some family bonding time and me and Em can get some new clothes." Alex smiles, backing me up. I smile at Charles and he sighs.

"Fine. Go get in the car." He says, waving his hand in the direction of the front door. I quickly stand up and excitedly run down the corridor, sitting down on the floor and pulling my shoes onto my feet. I stand up and grab his Ferrari Roma keys, unlock the front door and walk out.

"It'll be good for her, and you." Alex says, standing up off the sofa and giving Charles a quick kiss on his lips before walking down the corridor. Charles follows us and puts his shoes on.

They both get into the car and Charles starts driving to the shopping centre. I've not been shopping much yet, but I saw some really cute tops online and wanted to try them on, and Alex said that I could.

A few minutes later, we arrive and Charles parks his car in the car park, right at the back and away from anyone else.

"Why have you parked your car here?" I complain, looking out the window to see how far we have to walk.

"So no one else scratches it." He states, turning the engine off and opening his car door.

"It's so far though." I groan, leaning my head against the seat.

"You stay here then, and me and Alex will go shopping." He states impatiently, getting out of his car.

"No, wait." I say loudly, pushing his chair forward and climbing out of the car before he can shut the door.

"Stop complaining then." He says, shutting the door after me.

"Stop complaining then." I mimic, muttering it so he doesn't hear me. Alex laughs and we walk towards the shopping centre.

"Get out of the road." Charles states, grabbing my upper arm and pulling me onto the pavement. I pull my arm out of his grip and glare at him.

We walk through the entrance, and there are loads of people. I hate shopping for this exact reason, but I want to try on some clothes so I will have to just deal with it.

"Go on then." Charles says as I slow down in the doorway. This many people makes me scared. "Why are you stopping?" He adds, placing his hand on my back and pushing me forwards slightly.

"It's so busy." I mutter, reaching to grab his hand. He moves his hand from my back, and holds my hand, squeezing it slightly.

"It's alright. I'm right here." He says, looking at our hands. We walk through the shopping centre, going into various shops along the way, heading towards the shop where I saw the nice tops. They are a bit tight and a bit short, so I'm not sure what Charles will think of them.

"Is it this one?" I ask, looking at Alex who nods in response. I walk into the shop, pulling Charles along behind me.

"I'm going to look at the watches in Richard Mille. I'll meet you guys out here later." He says, letting go of my hand before I can make him come inside the shop.

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