5 ~ bad day

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"Am I going to have to tell you every night to take your shoes off the bed?" Charles says, laughing slightly, as he walks out the bathroom of our hotel room.

"We're going out in a minute anyway." I say, shrugging my shoulders and sitting up on my bed. Charles is making me go to a dinner with him and Max. I told him I could just stay at the hotel, and I'd be fine, but he insisted I came.

I stand up off my bed, and look at myself in the mirror. Apparently I have to wear a dress.

"I look like an idiot." I say, looking at Charles, who is stood behind me, fixing his shirt collar in the mirror. He's got the top two buttons undone.

"We're going to a fancy restaurant, Emilie. You can't wear jeans and a hoodie." Charles says, sitting down on the edge of his bed and pulling his shoes on.

"You should be glad I'm letting you wear trainers." He adds, looking at my shoes.

"I'm not wearing stupid school shoes. They look ridiculous. I don't like this dress either. I just want to wear jeans." I say, whining slightly.

"Well I'm not letting you leave this hotel room in jeans, so that's not an option. Go brush your teeth." Charles says, tying his shoelaces.

"But I'm just going to eat anyway. Why do I need to brush my teeth?" I say, plonking myself back down on the bed.

"Because it's polite. Just do it." Charles says, sighing slightly.

"I'm only going to see Max, he doesn't care." I say, furrowing my eyebrows slightly.

"Brush your teeth." Charles says, slightly louder and a lot firmer.

"Ok, alright. I'm doing it." I say, before standing up off the bed, and slowly walking into to bathroom. I pick up my toothbrush, and reach for my toothpaste, but there's nothing in it.

"Charles, my toothpaste has ran out." I say, and he walks into the bathroom.

"Use mine." He says, passing me his toothpaste. He picks mine up, and tries squeezing a bit more out, but nothing comes. He throws it in the bin, and walks back into the main bit with the beds.

"This is so minty." I say, closing my eyes, as the toothpaste hits my tongue.

"All toothpaste is minty, what on earth was yours?" Charles says, slightly confused.

"Strawberry flavoured." I say, shrugging my shoulders slightly.

"Strawberry flavoured?" Charles repeats, in disbelief.

"It tastes good, alright? Unlike this." I say, pressing the button on my electric toothbrush and brushing my teeth.

Once I'm finished, I walk out of the bathroom and Charles sprays some cologne on his neck.

"That smells so bad." I say, coughing slightly.

"Stop being dramatic, it's not that strong." Charles says, laughing slightly.

"It fucking is." I respond, laughing.

"Hey, no swearing. If you swear while we're out with Max, I'm taking your phone away." Charles threatens, pointing at me.

"Sorry." I say quietly, looking down at the floor. I glance at myself in the mirror one last time.

"Please can I change?" I beg slightly, looking up at him.

"Fine. But put some smart jeans and a nice T-shirt on." Charles says, rummaging through the draw which he put my jeans in. He grabs a nice pair of baggy jeans, and throws them on the bed.

I grab a T-shirt out of another draw and quickly throw my outfit on. I grab my nicest jacket.

"Come on then. We're already late." Charles says, ushering me towards the door, and walking out behind me, shutting the door after him.

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