19 ~ bartender creep

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"I'll take her karting or something. Surely anything is better than her staying here and arguing with you all day." Lando says, getting me out of a whole day full of Charles and Max being angry at me.

I furrow my eyebrows slightly. I don't know whether to be happy that he's got me out of it, or insulted since he just said I would argue with them both all day. I'm not that bad, surely.

"Fine. But." Charles agrees reluctantly, sighing slightly. There's always a but, always. "If she doesn't behave or do as you say when you tell her to do it, she is to come back home straight away." He finishes, looking down at me with slight disappointment in his eyes.

"Ok, no problem." Lando says, nodding his head and smiling slightly at Charles who breaks our eye contact to look back at Lando.

"Get your cricket gear and your race gear, kid." Lando says to me, tapping me on my back, signalling for me to get all my kits. I run upstairs before coming back down a minute later, trying to carry all my stuff.

Lando takes it off me, slinging my cricket bag over his shoulder and holding my helmet in his hand. I keep hold of my race suit, my gloves and balaclava are shoved inside my helmet.

"I'll see you later then. Have a good day." Charles states blandly, disappointment prominent in his voice and demeanour. He's been like this all last night and this morning. It's not the first time I've hit someone, I don't understand why he's acting weird about it this time.

I give him a hum of acknowledgment before walking out of the front door with Lando following behind me. He shuts the door and unlocks his car. I put my stuff in the boot, leaving it open for him to put my cricket stuff and helmet in, before getting into the passenger seat.

Lando gets into the drivers seat and starts the car while smirking at me slightly. I look at him and furrow my eyebrows, confused as to why he's smirking at me.

"What did you do?" He asks, trying his hardest not to let out a laugh.

"I don't even know at this point. It seems like every little thing I do pisses him off. I can't help it." I whine, leaning my head against the seat. Lando starts the car and pulls out of the driveway.

"I did punch a girl yesterday, at school. In my defence, she hit me first." I say quietly, admitting to my mistake. It's not very often I do that willingly, but I like Lando and he's nice so I'll tell him.

"So that's why you aren't at school today." He says as he nods his head when he realises.

"Yeah, and then apparently I had a bad attitude and a foul mouth, so they took my bedroom door off me." I state, anger in my voice as I say it. I don't even know where they put my door.

"I'm guessing Max said that." Lando says, speeding up slightly as we drive down the road. It's completely empty. I nod my head at him.

"Then this morning, I asked Charles if my boyfriend could come to the race this weekend with us and he said no." I groan, taking a deep breath and looking at the dashboard where McLaren is engraved into it. I've never noticed that before.

"Boyfriend?" He questions, raising his eyebrows at me with a smirk on his face. I smile at him before reverting my gaze down to my knees, breaking eye contact.

"What's his name?" Lando asks, focusing on the road as the streets begin to get busier.

"Archie." I say quietly, still not looking at him. "He's been ignoring me recently though, so I thought I would make it up to him by taking him to the Grand Prix, but obviously Charles doesn't care that our relationship is falling apart." I add, whining slightly with anger in my voice.

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