7 ~ trouble, trouble and more trouble

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"Sir, I can't sit there." I say, after my teacher told me I'm being sat next to Ella. It's bad enough being in the same classes as her, never mind having to sit next to that bitch.

"Alright, sit next to Theo at the back." Sir says, pointing over to a blonde haired boy who puts his hand in the air so I can see him. I smile slightly as I walk over to him, placing my bag down on the floor and sitting on the chair next to him.

"I'm Theo." He says, looking at me and smiling.

"I'm Emilie." I respond, smiling back at him.

"Where are you from? Your accent is different." He says, furrowing his eyebrows slightly, the cogs in his brain working overtime to figure out what country I'm from.

"England." I respond, laughing slightly. He nods his head when I tell him, like he was thinking that all along.

"This is my timetable, are you in any more of my lessons?" I ask him, putting my timetable on the desk and sliding it in his direction. He looks at it.

"I'm in all your classes." He says, smiling slightly, and handing me my timetable back.

"Good, because I don't know where I'm going." I reply, laughing, and sliding the piece of paper back into my blazer pocket.

"Why can't you sit next to Ella?" Theo asks quietly, furrowing his eyebrows and looking over in the direction of her seat.

"I've had trouble with her before." I respond, matching his volume. The teacher comes over to where I am sat and places a book on my table.

"Can I copy the information on the front of your book?" I ask Theo, and he shuts his work book, pushing it slightly towards me so I can see.

"Thanks." I say, as I copy down the room number and what lesson group we're in. "Oh for fuck sake." I add quietly, earning a look from my teacher.

"What?" Theo asks, laughing slightly. I push my book towards him, to show him.

"I copied your name." I laugh, crossing it out and then writing my own name. He laughs at me, earning himself a piercing look from our teacher.

The classroom door opens and Ella strolls in, not caring how late she is. She sits down in her chair, after staring at me.

"Nice of you to join us." The teacher says sarcastically, and I laugh but quickly mask it with an obvious fake cough.

"Why is she here?" Ella asks the teacher, pointing straight at me.

"Emilie is our new student." The teacher says, clearly not at all interested in what Ella has to say.

"She's a bitch, she shouldn't be here." Ella states loudly, keeping eye contact with me.

"I'm the bitch? You fucking followed me to Monaco and then to a Grand Prix at the weekend!" I shout at her, standing up off my seat.

"Hey, that's enough!" The teacher shouts, making the whole class go silent. I sit back down in my seat.

A few hours later, I follow Theo over to a lunch table where there is a massive group of boys sitting, along with a few girls who I assume are their girlfriends.

We sit down at the end of the table, keeping the conversations small and between only a few other people. All the girls sat at the table give me a dirty look whenever I speak.

"This is my brother, Stefan. He's 16." Theo says, introducing me to his brother. He looks exactly like him. The blonde, slightly curly, fluffy hair droops down over his green eyes. He's literally perfect.

"I'm Emilie." I say to Stefan, waving at him. He smiles at me, before continuing to eat his lunch.

"Oh fuck, no. No." Theo says quietly, before looking down at the table and keeping his head low.

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