22 ~ surname

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"What were you thinking? Seriously, what was going through your head when you decided it would be a good idea to punch Ella, again?" Charles shouts, as I walk into the living room and kick my shoes off.

"Can you just listen to what I have to say, instead of shouting at me?" I raise my voice, sitting down on the sofa far away from where Charles is sat. Max sits down in between us.

"Well that depends on how stupid your excuse is." He states, staring at me as I get comfy on the sofa. I've got a feeling we are going to be here for a while.

"So basically. Archie cheated on me, as you know, and we were arguing in the corridor. Then Theo, who is just my friend, came over and told him to leave me alone. Then they got a bit physical, and Ella came over and started shouting at Theo, so I shouted at her and then she pushed me so I punched her." I explain, getting slightly quieter towards the end.

"So you were getting worked up over a boy and then hit Ella." Charles sums up impatiently, raising his eyebrows and sighing slightly.

"That's not what I said. I was defending my best friend." I argue slightly, earning a hum and a slight head nod from Charles. "I was. You just don't understand that because you have no friends." I add.

"Let's not get personal with it. You fucked up. Don't take this out on me." He states, pointing his finger at me and sitting on the edge of the sofa. He looks angry, and I don't really want to make it worse. He'll end up grounding me for years if I keep on pushing.

"I did what I thought was right. I didn't fuck up. She fucking deserved it." I state, getting slightly angrier the more he tells me I'm wrong. He's really starting to piss me off.

The car journey home was actually surprisingly quiet and calm, since Max said that it's Charles' call on what punishment they give me. So that was relatively nice while it lasted.

"No. You went too far, once again." He states firmly, giving me piercing glare and leaning forward so his elbows are resting on his knees.

"I didn't though." I mutter, looking down at my knees and fiddling with my school trousers. They're such an ugly colour, like who picks grey to be the colour of a school uniform. It's so bland and boring. I don't mind black, but grey is just horrendous.

"Yes you did, Emilie. What if she fell over and hit her head and died? You would be responsible for that. You could get charged for murder. Do you understand how serious this is? How serious it could have been?" He rants, standing up off the sofa and pacing in front of me.

I've got to say, he's being extremely boring. I quickly loose focus on what he is saying and the ceiling somehow becomes very interesting.

I've got a bit of a problem. Me and Theo arranged to go ice skating together tomorrow, and it's already been booked and Theo insisted he paid. The only issue is, I haven't asked Charles if I can go yet, or should I say told Charles that I'm going.

"Are you even listening to me?" He almost shouts, looking me straight in my eyes and stopping in front of me. I look at him and nod my head slightly, earning a disbelieving scoff.

"Maybe right now isn't the best time to bring this up, but." I pause, thinking of the best way to word it. I don't want to piss him off anymore than he already is.

"But what?" He asks impatiently, furrowing his eyebrows at me and crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm going ice skating with Theo tomorrow." I mutter, looking down at my knees and refusing to make eye contact.

"No you're not." He states firmly, shaking his head at me and furrowing his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Well it's booked and paid for, so I've got to go." I say, shrugging my shoulders and leaning back on the sofa.

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