35 ~ track walk

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"Emilie go to sleep." Lando groans, turning over in his bed and facing away from me. I hum and shake my head, continuing to scroll on my phone. "At least put some bloody headphones in if you're going to blast music." He adds, keeping his eyes closed as he tries to get to sleep.

"I left my AirPods in the hotel room." I say, turning the volume down slightly. It's on the lowest volume, I can't turn it down anymore or I won't be able to hear it.

"Fucking turn it off then." He states, rolling over to look at me, sitting up slightly.

"Woah, no need for the swearing." I say, raising my eyebrows at him. He looks at me with a pissed off look on his face.

"I swear to god, go to sleep or I'll take your phone away." He threatens, propping himself up on his elbow and looking at me.

"I'll go and get my AirPods from our room." I say, beginning to get out of the bed I'm sleeping in, pushing the covers back. Oscar is sleeping on the sofa bed. Lando and Oscar are sharing a room for the weekend. I feel kind of bad since he offered to sleep on the sofa bed instead of making me sleep on it. I'm surprised Oscar hasn't woken up yet.

"No, just turn it off." Lando says, sitting up properly in his bed and reaching across the gap between our beds, to grab my phone out of my hand.

"No." I say, moving my phone away from him and putting down on the other side of me where he can't reach it.

"Can you both shut up, I'm trying to sleep." Oscar grumbles from the sofa bed beside me, keeping his eyes shut while sticking his fingers in his ears to block out the noise.

"Emilie is playing music on her phone." Lando states, glaring at me.

"Go to sleep, Em." Oscar groans, rubbing his hands over his face and furrowing his eyebrows.

"I'm not playing music, it's just sometimes music comes on with a video." I say, reaching down the side of the bed to get the phone charger, pulling it in and turning my phone off.

"Please just turn it off." Oscar says, leaning his head on the pillow and clenching his eyes shut.

"Chill man, it's off." I sigh, pulling the covers over me and closing my eyes. I'm tired but I can't seem to fall asleep. I've tried so many times.

"Attitude, cut it out." Oscar states, pointing his finger at me while keeping his eyes closed. I sigh, still trying to go to sleep.


"Are you tired?" Oscar asks, laughing at me as we walk down the paddock. It's completely empty. It's beautiful, it's like a movie. The sun is beginning to rise as well. The only people are me and Oscar. Lando and the rest of the McLaren workers are in the garage.

"Yeah." I respond after yawning, nodding my head slightly and laughing.

"You should have gone to sleep earlier." He says, raising his eyebrows at me and taking a sip of his smoothie. He got some mango flavoured one, I got a strawberry and banana one.

"Suppose." I say, a smile on my face.

"How's your smoothie?" He asks, holding his hand out to the side of him, gesturing for me to give it to him.

"It's so good." I say, handing it over. He takes a small sip, nodding in approval. "Can I try yours?" I add, him passing me my smoothie back. He gives me his, and I drink a bit. It's not as good as mine, but it's still really good.

"My strawberry and banana awesomeness trumps what ever nonsense you got." I laugh, giving him his smoothie back.

"I beg to differ. I bet Lando will prefer mine." He says, raising his eyebrows at me as I walk through the back door to the McLaren garage, Oscar following close behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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