3 ~ fp1

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"Are you excited? You're practically jumping up and down in your seat." Carlos laughs as the plane lands in Bahrain, and is taxiing towards the airport.

"Yeah I'm excited!" I exclaim, trying to unbuckle my seatbelt. I can never work plane seatbelts. I've only been on one plane before, and my dad had to undo it for me.

"Do you need some help with that?" Carlos asks, while laughing, after noticing my struggles to unbuckle the seat belt.

"Wait until we've stopped moving." Charles states from across the aisle. He's been in a bad mood all morning. I think it's because I told him his head engineer, from yesterday, is an idiot. Charles then told me off for being rude.

"Why? It's not like I'm going to die." I complain loudly, looking at him and earning a few eyebrow raises and looks from the engineers on the plane.

"Cut it out." Charles states, giving me a piercing stare.

"Ooh sorry." I state sarcastically, smiling at Carlos afterwards. He tries to keep his laugh in, by covering his mouth with his hand.

"Emilie." Charles states loudly, everyone turns to look at us. "Stop it." He adds, pointing his finger at me.

After I said that about his engineer this morning, he told me that I've got to stay with him for the rest of the day. That's worse than just taking my phone away, but at least all I'll be doing today is just meeting everyone. It's not going to be difficult.

I sigh quietly and lean my head on the back of the seat. Charles unbuckles his seatbelt, and stands up off his seat, while the plane is still moving.

"Why can you unbuckle your seatbelt and stand up while the plane is moving, but I can't even unbuckle my seatbelt?" I ask loudly, pointing my hand in his direction.

"Because Emilie, I am an adult, you are a child. If I get hurt, it's my fault. If you get hurt, it's my fault." Charles states, clearly fed up with having to argue with me.

"You make me loose my temper." I whisper, staring at him.

"What was that?" Charles asks, raising his eyebrows at me. I shrug my shoulders at him. "Stop being difficult or I'll be taking your phone away as well."

"It's not fair." I say quietly, looking down at my feet. The plane comes to a stop, and Carlos unbuckles his seatbelt, as do all the engineers.

He stand up and stretches before stepping towards me and unbuckling it for me. I thank him and stand up out of my seat. I stretch and then lean against the seat. I'm so tired, I got no sleep, and it was a very long flight.

"Right, come on then." Charles says, as he walks towards the exit of the plane. I follow him, and Carlos exits behind me. Some engineers are already off the plane and are stood on the tarmac, and the rest follow us out.

"The cars are parked out in the car park, so we have to walk through the airport." Charles' head engineer says to everyone as they all exit the plane.

"Stay with me and Carlos. Don't get lost." Charles states, looking at me. I nod my head to show him I understand, and we walk into the airport.

There is a massive group of people, all with cameras and flashing lights, who are pushing people out the way to get closer to Charles and Carlos.

I grab Charles' hand and hold it tight, not wanting to get separated. I've always hated big crowds. Charles adjusts his grip on my hand, so it's more comfortable and we walk through the airport, with Carlos behind us and all the engineers surrounding us.

Charles stops a few times to sign some t-shirts and hats, and so does Carlos. But neither of them stop for the interview questions from the media.

After finally making it through the crowd of people and out of the airport, we reach the cars which are parked next to the doors.

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