9 ~ waffles

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Grounded. Again. This is all Lando's fault.

"You need to sit there and not move." Max states firmly, pointing to the fold-up chair he just put placed in between the RedBull and McLaren pit walls. I sigh and sit down in the chair, making it wobble slightly.

I don't even know where Charles is. Lando took me straight to Max after he found my vape. I don't think Charles knows I took it back either. I'm hoping he doesn't get told about it.

"I've got nothing to say to you." Max says slightly quieter, clearly holding my vape in his hand so I can see it. I look down at the floor, trying to avoid making eye contact with him.

Lando is stood a few feet away, an angry look on his face and his arms crossed over his chest, staring me down.

"It destroys your lungs, you know." Max says, waving the vape in the air slightly whilst looking down at me, keeping his eyes on me at all times.

"I thought you said you have nothing to say to me." I say, meeting his eyes, his expression growing more and more pissed off by the minute. I feel a small smile creep across my mouth.

"Wipe that smirk off your face." Lando states firmly, acting intimidating. I've never seen him this angry, it's actually starting to scare me a little bit. I try to keep a straight face, but it's difficult.

"I don't know what the fuck you were thinking. Where did you even get this from?" Max asks angrily, staring straight at me, wanting an answer. I shrug my shoulders and lean back in the chair slightly.

"I need to warm up for the race." Lando says, his voice going slightly softer as he looks at Max, who nods his head. Lando walks away, jumping off the pit wall and making his way into the McLaren garage.

"Emilie!" Pierre exclaims happily, as he walks past. He slows down and gives me a high five, stopping next to Max.

"Do you know where Charles is?" Max asks Pierre, looking around the pit lane, trying to find the Ferrari driver. Pierre takes a deep breath.

"Can't say I do. Why?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows. His eyes now land on the vape in Max's hand and his expression becomes shocked and confused.

"Is that hers?" He adds, pointing to the vape and then at me. Max nods his head angrily, letting out an angered breath. Pierre furrows his eyebrows and looks at me.

"You're joking right?" He asks, directing his question at me, with an angry look on his face.

"Oh my god. Can everyone just stop having a go at me. I'd rather be doing my fucking maths homework than be sat here, getting shouted at by everyone." I say loudly, standing up off the plastic chair I was sat on.

The sun is beginning to set, as it's a night race, the breeze is starting to pick up and the temperature is slowly dropping. I'm out here in my jogging bottoms and Ferrari jacket, but I'm still freezing.

"Do your maths homework then." Max states, pointing towards the Ferrari garage, placing his other hand on my back, trying to guide me towards the garage.

I jump off the pit wall and walk down the pit lane until I reach the garage, Max following behind me. Pierre has gone to prepare for the race which begins in fifteen minutes.

I barge through the crowd of engineers who are stood around Charles' car checking for any last minute changes.

"Woah ragazzo." An engineer mutters, as he gets pushed out of the way by me, my left elbow going into his stomach since he was stood in my way. I'm not in the mood to ask him to move nicely.
("Woah kid.")

"Ficcatelo su per il culo." I state, not making eye contact with him and continuing to walk through the garage.
("Shove it up your ass.")

"Just sit down and do your homework." Max states firmly, guiding me towards the area in the middle of the garage where the computers are. My sheet of paper and pen are still on the table untouched, and my homework tab is still on the computer screen.

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