11 ~ helmets

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"Your homework is due tomorrow. I expect it submitted on time. If it is not, you will be issued with a detention." My English teacher states, standing at the front of his classroom. The bell goes for lunch time and I stand up, Theo following suit.

"Is your face ok?" I ask him quietly, not looking at him. We haven't spoken all day, I miss talking to him.

"Yeah." He mumbles, putting his book into his backpack before slinging it over his shoulder. I nod my head slightly, still avoiding eye contact.

"I've got this killer of a bruise though." He laughs, pointing to his left cheek. I look at him and laugh slightly at the yellow-coloured bruise on his cheek.

"Are you alright?" He asks, looking down at me and smiling slightly. I nod my head and make eye contact with him.

"Charles is so annoying though." I state, leaning against my chair, facing Theo. He laughs quietly.

"Why? What has he done?" Theo laughs, looking at me and smiling. I catch Archie out of the corner of my eye, staring at us. He looks jealous that me and Theo are talking. I understand that maybe he doesn't want me to be friends with a boy, but Theo is such a nice person. I'd choose Theo over Archie any day.

"He said that I couldn't go out, so I tried to sneak out but he caught me. Then I walked off, and he called Max to pick me up." I say, sighing slightly.

I pick my bag up before following Theo out of the classroom. Archie has walked off with his friends. We walk down the corridor towards the lunch hall.

"And now I'm grounded. But Lando is taking me go karting later. I'm so excited. I haven't been karting here yet, only when I was in England." I ramble on as we continue walking down the corridor. Theo looks down at me every so often, smiling at me. I constantly talk when I get comfortable.

"But the last time I went karting, I crashed during this big race and my dad left me at the track and then he killed himself." I mutter the last bit, as I realise what I'm saying. I didn't mean to tell Theo all of that, I just hope he didn't hear me.

"Your dad killed himself? I thought Ella was lying when she said that." Theo says quietly, so only I can hear him. I nod my head and look down at the floor.

"You can always talk to me you know. I'm always here for you, no matter how much of a dick I think your boyfriend is." He says, laughing at himself when he says the last bit. I smile at him as we walk into the lunch hall.

Archie stands up off his seat at the table with his friends, and walks over to us. I stop in my tracks as he continues towards me, an angry look on his face.

"Get away from her!" Archie shouts, shoving Theo's shoulders so he stumbles backwards slightly. Theo steps forward, but I put my arm out to stop him. They can't fight again.

"Archie, what the fuck?" I shout at him, pushing him away. He looks down at me and steps closer, our bodies inches away.

"Did last night mean nothing?" He asks, his voice slightly quieter as he is much closer to me. I look up at him, my eyes full of confusion and anger.

"What?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows slightly. I haven't done anything, so why is he angry.

"You and Theo have been getting closer." He mutters, looking past me and locking eye with Theo. Archie steps backwards and walks away, sitting back down at the table with his friends.

"Are you ok?" Theo asks, standing next to me. I nod my head and he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Let's go sit down. Tell me about your go karting in England." He says, smiling at me and pulling me closer to him. I smile and I lean my head against his chest as we walk over to our table.

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