14 ~ family

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"Alex! Save me!" I shout as I jump across the bed, rolling off the other side and hiding behind Alex as she looks confused. "Charles is chasing me!" I add, as he quickly walks round the corner, his eyes scanning the room for me. He spots me stood behind Alex and walks over to us.

"What did you do?" She asks while laughing, defending me against Charles. I move the opposite way to Charles as he tries to get around Alex to get to me.

"She took my lanyard." Charles states, staring at me and making eye contact. Deep down he has to find it funny, even if he doesn't show it, right? He's got to have some other emotion apart from anger.

Charles places both his hands on either one of Alex's hips before gently lifting her up slightly and placing her down beside him, leaving me without any protection. I laugh as he steps towards me, his hand out in front of him.

"We're going to be late. Give me my lanyard." He states, not even a slight smile on his face. He's so serious, it's a bit annoying. I smile at him mischievously, stepping backwards and opening the hotel room door before running down the corridor with his lanyard in my hand.

"Shit, I'm so sorry." I apologise to a man as I bump into him while he was walking out of his hotel room. He is tall, although everyone is tall compared to me, and has dark brown hair and brown eyes, and is wearing some beige chinos and a navy blue button-up cotton shirt. It looks like something Charles would wear.

"It's ok, watch where you're going next time, kid." He responds, winking at me before walking away. He has the same French accent as Charles and he even says the word 'kid' like Charles does, it's a bit creepy to say the least. The man gets in the elevator and the doors shut, taking him down to the bottom floor.

It's a bit weird how someone who isn't a driver or someone who doesn't work in one of the garages, is on this floor. These top few floors are the ones where all the drivers and crew stay during the race weekend. He must just be very rich.

"Shoes." Charles states, standing slightly into the corridor from the hotel room, holding the door open with his foot, and holding my shoes in the air. I look down at my feet, and realise I'm just in my socks.

"Throw them." I say while smiling, stuffing his lanyard into the pocket of my beige cargos. I love my cargos, they're so comfy and they look good. Alex is wearing matching ones, and we are both wearing black tops. My top is baggier than hers though because Charles said it's inappropriate for a thirteen year old to wear a small, tight top in a public place.

He sighs and rolls his eyes before throwing my white adidas shoes down the corridor. I catch them before sitting on the floor and tying the laces once they are on my feet. Alex and Charles walk out of the room, Charles checking he has got everything. As they walk past, I reach my arms up and Charles grabs my hand, pulling me up.

"I've got you a rain coat, it might rain later." He says, holding a black Ferrari rain coat in his hand, with two others thrown over his arm for him and Alex.

"Thanks bro." I say, smiling at him before walking down the corridor towards the elevators. He furrows his eyebrows at me and stands behind me.

"I'm not your bro." He states, placing both his hands on my shoulders. When the doors open, he taps my shoulders and pushes me forward slightly. I walk in and press all the buttons for all the floors, meaning the elevator will stop on all the floors going down.

I smile to myself as I step backwards, Charles placing his hands on my shoulders again. He groans when he sees all the buttons now lit up. The doors close and it begins going down before quickly stopping on the next floor.

"I swear to god. We're going down the stairs, come on." Charles states, pushing me forward as the doors open once again. He grabs Alex's hand, dragging her along behind us.

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