31 ~ adults

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"Get up, we're late!" Charles shouts, quickly pulling on some trousers, almost tripping over them as he does so. He puts his hands on my bed, stopping himself from falling flat on his face, making the mattress dip. I groan and roll over so I'm facing away from him.

"Come on, get up." He says louder, buttoning up his trousers and then shaking my shoulder. I cover my head with the pillow and lay on my front. I'm so tried, I'm not getting up now.

"I'm not having this argument, get your ass out of bed right now or you're not coming to the track for the entire weekend." He threatens, pulling the covers off my back and taking the pillow from my head, throwing it onto his bed beside him.

"You get ready, I'll get her up." I hear another voice say. Am I dreaming? I swear that was Max. What is Max doing here?

"Thanks." Charles replies, smiling briefly at him. I groan and put my arms over my head, shaking my head slightly as I hear footsteps walk over to my bed.

"Get up Em." Max states, placing his hand on my back and shaking me slightly.

"Go away." I mutter, trying to hit his hands away. He grabs my shoulder and rolls me over so I'm facing him. I squint as the lights shine bright in the room. Max is stood over me, it's kind of creepy to be honest.

"I'm more than happy to get Andrea to stay in the hotel with you all weekend, if you don't get out of bed right now." Charles states firmly, walking out of the bathroom after fixing his hair.

"Fuck off." I mutter, pulling a face at him and sitting up slightly. "Sorry." I apologise after seeing the disapproving look on his face.

"Get your ass up, I won't ask again." He states loudly, pulling on a Ferrari polo shirt and doing up the first two buttons. I sigh before standing up off the bed and walking over to the suitcase which is on the floor beside the desk.

"I've got team meeting in ten minutes, I've really got to go." Max says, pointing towards the door. Charles nods his head and smiles slightly at Max.

"I'll see you at the track. Behave for Charles, please." He says quietly while giving me a hug. I nod my head and hug him back, holding a pair of denim shorts in my hand.

"Bye bye." He smiles before walking out of our hotel door and down the corridor. Charles looks at me and nods his head towards the suitcase on the floor. I give him a wide smile and raise my eyebrows, earning a slight laugh and a head shake before he walks back into the bathroom.

"You've got to be quick, we're already late. My team meeting is at eleven o'clock. It is currently 10:45. Get a move on." He states, pushing the front of his hair up and sitting down on the bed after picking up his shoes.

"We wouldn't be late if someone didn't forget to set their alarm." I mutter, walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind me to get changed. I change my underwear and put on my blue, ripped denim shorts and the black strap top I bought with Alexandra. It's boiling in Miami.

"No. Change that top." Charles states as I walk out of the bathroom and throw my pyjamas and underwear into the suitcase.

"We're already late, if I change my top you won't make your meeting." I shrug, sliding my phone into the back pocket of my shorts. Charles sighs and opens the door, grabbing the key card off the table and sliding it into his pocket.

"Grab a jumper then." He says, pointing at the desk chair where I have a light grey hoodie thrown over the back.

"I'm not taking a jumper, it's boiling." I argue, shaking my head and walking towards him.

"Grab your jumper." He states firmly, putting his foot in front of the door to stop it closing. I sigh and throw my head back before roughly pulling my hoodie off the chair and walking towards the door, letting it trail along the floor while I hold it.

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