12 ~ karting

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"I've been through this a thousand times. I don't need to hear it again." I whisper to Lando, leaning back in the chair I'm sat on and sighing slightly.

"Just listen." He says, pointing at the tv screen mounted on the wall. I roll my eyes and look down at my phone, which I have in my hand, and hold it low in my lap.

Lando grabs my phone out of my hand and shakes his head slightly. He slides my phone into his pocket. I sigh quietly and divert my attention to the tv on the wall.

"You can now put your helmets on." The guy who works here says, standing at the front of the room. Everyone stands up, trying to fasten their helmets after pulling them onto their heads.

I pull my balaclava over my head, tucking my hair into my race suit before putting my helmet on and fastening it up by the strap below my chin.

I stand up and look at Lando, who smiles at me and stands up next to me. He taps both sides of my helmet a few times then laughs slightly, making sure it's not too big. I smile at him. It fits perfectly.

"Looking good kid." He says, putting his thumbs up in front of me. I laugh at him and grab my gloves off the chair, putting them on. Lando gets his phone out and takes a picture of me.

"Excuse me." Someone says from behind me, tapping my shoulder. I turn around and I'm met with a tall boy in an all white kit, him holding his white helmet in his hand.

"Yeah?" I ask, looking up at him, my voice slightly muffled by my helmet. He's got dirty blonde hair and green eyes. He's really pretty.

"Do you do karting?" He asks, smiling slightly. I nod my head and smile back at him. "Well, may the best driver win." He states, a smirk on his face, reaching his arm out to shake my hand. I grab his hand and firmly shake it before he walks away.

I turn around and I'm met with Lando smiling at me, on the verge of laughter. His eyes flick between me and the boy I was just talking to.

"No, shut up." I laugh, shaking my head and pushing his shoulder slightly. "I do not like him." I insist, looking at Lando, who just smiles in a way saying I don't believe you.

"If you all make your way up to the track, there will be a marshal there who will get you going." The guy says, holding the door open and letting us all leave. I walk out, with Lando following me, and make my way upstairs.

"I'll sit here. Are you alright going off by yourself?" Lando asks, putting my jacket on the back of a chair and sitting down on the one beside it. He has the table next to the track, so he can see the race.

"Yeah. I'm not a baby." I say, laughing slightly before walking towards the pits where the marshal is. There is a screen which has my name on it and the kart number I will be getting into. It's number 18. That's my driver number. I've got a good feeling about this session.

"Go get in your karts." The marshal says, opening the barrier and letting us walk into the pits. I find kart number 18 and get in, standing on the seat then lowering myself down and placing my feet on the pedals.

My kart is closer to the back of the pack and the boy in the white race suit gets into the kart in front of me. I'm going to make it my mission to get a quicker time than him, even if I get disqualified for it. I'm willing to take that risk.

I adjust my helmet and grab the steering wheel, taking a deep breath, adrenaline rushing through my veins as the smell of petrol fills my nose. I love the smell of petrol.

Everyone in front of me pulls out of the pits and I follow soon after, leaving a gap between the front of my kart and the back of the kart in front. This track is two floors, and we immediately approach a ramp.

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