21 ~ protecting her

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"Emilie?" I hear a stern voice from behind me as I keep my eyes fixed on my dad. I don't even know what the fuck is happening right now. My dad killed himself. Why is he stood in front of me? This is creepier than Lando stalking Archie's Instagram account.

"Emilie." The voice comes again, before I feel a strong hand on my shoulder. "I told you that you can't walk off. Go and sit back down, now." He adds, pulling me backwards slightly.

"No. Get off." I state, shrugging my shoulders slightly in order to get his hand off my shoulder.

"Is everything ok?" I hear Max's voice asks as he walks up behind Charles. His eyes are glued on my dad.

"She's refusing to sit back down." Charles states, a small sigh leaving his mouth. "Who are you and why are you talking to her?" He directs at my dad, pulling me backwards by my upper arm and standing in front of me protectively.

"I haven't seen you since you were about four." Dad says, looking at Charles and furrowing his eyebrows slightly.

"That doesn't answer my fucking question. Who are you and why are you talking to her?" Charles says, anger prominent in his voice.

"I'm her dad." He responds, a smirk on his face, taking a step closer towards me and Charles.

"Her dad died, no you're not." Charles states, raising his voice slightly while making sure I'm still stood within the safety of his shadow.

"Charles." I whisper, trying to grab his hand for safety. I feel safer with Charles than I do with my dad. "Charles." I repeat, tears welling in my eyes as I speak.

He looks over his shoulder at me, raising his eyebrows and gesturing for me to continue.

"He's- he's my dad." I stutter slightly, taking a deep breath and making eye contact with my dad. Charles furrows his eyebrows at me, a look of confusion and shock on his face.

"Go with Max and sit down at the table." Charles says quietly, pointing to Max. I shake my head and grab his hand, holding it with both of mine.

"Emilie." He states firmly, pulling his hand out of my hold. "You're not a baby, you don't need to hold my hand. Sit down at the table and finish your food." He adds, pointing past me.

"He fucking left me at the race track." I state as I take a step forward towards my dad. Charles puts his arm out in an attempt to stop me, but I push past him.

"Because you did shit in that race. You lost the championship." Dad states with pure anger in his eyes.

"I didn't fucking mean to though did I? Jack hit my back wheel, that wasn't my fault." I say, raising my voice slightly as I begin to get angrier the more I replay that night in my head.

"Emilie." Max says, stepping forward and placing his hand on my shoulder, trying to stop me from making a scene and shouting at my dad.

"Let her have this." Charles says, gently grabbing Max's forearm and pulling him away slightly. He takes a step back.

"You could have saved it, but instead you crashed out." Dad says loudly, loosing his temper almost as quickly as I am.

"I tried to save it! It's harder than it fucking looks though! But you wouldn't know because you've never been in the championship!" I shout at him, pointing my finger at his face and taking another step forward. I've never shouted at my dad, I don't know where I've got this sudden confidence from.

"You need to shut your mouth before you get a fucking slap." Dad states, pointing his finger in my face.

"If you touch her, I'll kill you." Charles threatens, looking my dad up and down before meeting his eyes and raising his eyebrows slightly. Dad lets out a low laugh before shifting his eyes back to me.

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