13 ~ talks

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"What are you doing?" Charles asks as I sit on the floor in the hallway, pulling my shoes on. I ignore him, focusing on tying my laces. Lando has now left, and gone home.

"I'm leaving. You obviously don't want me here, so I'm going." I state, standing up and adjusting my jacket. He furrows his eyebrows slightly and looks down at me.

"No you're not." He says, shaking his head slightly and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yes I am." I reply, raising my eyebrows slightly and reaching my hand forward to open the front door. The handle doesn't budge, the door has been locked.

"Let's go and talk in the living room." He states, tapping my shoulder firmly and spinning me round slightly. I just look up at him, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"What? So you can be with your little girlfriend?" I ask him, my voice growing louder the more the conversation continues. He sighs slightly.

"No. So that we can sit on the comfy sofa and have a rational discussion like mature people." He states, keeping his voice and demeanour calm and collected. It is starting to piss me off a bit. I would rather he shout at me when I shout at him. Charles keeping his emotions stable, makes me feel like I'm a child, after I raise my voice.

I just look into his eyes and he has an angered but also sympathetic glint in his face.

"Come on." He adds, placing a hand on my back and pushing me down the corridor slightly. I reluctantly walk into the living room before sitting down on the sofa, as far away from where Charles was sitting as possible.

Charles sits down next to Alex, who sits up straight and looks at me worriedly. I don't look at her, and keep my eyes fixed on the tv which is playing the Grand Prix from the weekend.

He notices me watching the racing on the screen and grabs the remote, turning it off. I groan slightly and lean back, staring at the ceiling.

"You're acting like I just took all your race gear away. I only turned the tv off, we can put it back on afterwards." He says, laughing slightly and look at me.

"Ok." I say, sitting up with my back against the back cushion of the sofa, crossing my legs in front of me, leaning my elbow on the arm of the sofa and resting my head in my hand.

"How was school?" He asks, looking at me and smiling slightly. I make eye contact with him.

"It was really good actually. But my boyfriend and this boy, who I'm friends with, keep fighting each other." I say, exposing the fact that I have a boyfriend. I wasn't going to tell him, or anyone for that matter.

"Boyfriend?" He exclaims, a shocked look on his face. I try to hide my slight smile as I begin to laugh at his reaction, but quickly stop myself.

"Yeah a boy, who is a friend." I mutter, laughing slightly. He furrows his eyebrows and laughs.

"No, a boy who is more than just a friend." He says, shaking his head slightly, a small smile on his face. I can tell he is happy for me, as well as possibly not approving our relationship.

"Is that where you went last night, when you told me you were going out with your friends? Did you go and see your boyfriend? Is that the boy's house you were at when Max picked you up?" Charles asks, bombarding me with questions. I nod my head after every single one, giving him the answer he needs.

"How did you even know where I was?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows slightly and getting more comfortable in my spot.

"Tracked your phone." He states, nodding his head towards my phone which is in my jogging bottoms pocket. I sigh slightly. Now he knows exactly where I am, all the time. That isn't going to be easy to get around.

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