10 ~ he knows

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"I don't want to go." I say quietly, being sat on the sofa still in my pyjamas, with my knees pulled up to my chest, the tears in my eyes threatening to spill.

"Why not?" Charles asks, his patience already wearing thin this morning. It's eight o'clock.

"I hate it there. I hate Ella. I hate the classes. I hate the teachers. The only thing I like about school is my friends." I state, keeping my volume low and refusing to make eye contact.

"I'm sorry mate. I wish I could change it, but I can't. You still have to go to school." He says, shrugging his shoulders, clearly not caring about any of what I just told him. "Now I need you to get dressed."

"You're fucking helpful, aren't you." I state slightly louder, getting up off the sofa and walking upstairs, throwing a cushion on the floor behind me.

I reach my bedroom, slamming the door shut and leaning my back against it, closing my eyes. I really don't want to go. Why can he just let me stay at home, just for today?

I slowly begin to get dressed, taking my time and constantly making sure my clothes don't touch my fore arms. It stings.

I pull my blazer on and take a deep breath while looking at myself in the mirror, before opening my bedroom door and descending the stairs. Charles is stood at the bottom of the stairs, leaning against the banister, on his phone.

"You ready?" He asks, looking at me and sliding his phone into his pocket. I nod my head at him, sliding my school shoes on and picking up my backpack.

"Have a good day. I'll pick you up at three." Charles says, as he pulls into the car park of my school, stopping in a parking space near the entrance.

"Bye." I smile slightly at him, getting out of the car and shutting the door after me, slamming it maybe a little bit too hard. The car wobbles slightly. I see Theo and quickly walk over to him, barging my way through a big crowd of people.

"What's going on?" I ask him, when he sees me. He looks at me and smiles slightly.

"You'll see." He smiles at me. The crowd in front of us parts and Archie, a boy from our English class, walks towards me. He's really handsome and kind, I've got to say. But why is he looking at me? I mean has he even looked at me? I'm way out of his league.

"Emilie. I think you're really pretty. Please will you be my girlfriend?" Archie asks, him a little bit taller than me, his eyes lit will happiness. I feel my cheeks flush with slightly embarrassment as a smile creeps onto my face.

"Yes, yes I will." I say, a big smile now across my face as I nod my head slightly. He called me pretty. I don't think he will ever understand how much that means to me. Everyone claps and cheers as more people gather round.

Theo wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his chest slightly, giving me a side hug as I can't refrain from keeping a massive smile on my face.

Archie reaches towards me and I step forward, him embracing me in a hug. I lean my head against his chest. I feel safe in his hold.

The bell goes for first period, which happens to be English. I walk to my lesson, me and Archie holding hands all the way there. Theo seems a bit jealous, and he's not doing a good job of hiding it.

The morning drags on for so long, and I'm so glad it's not lunch time. I'm sat with Theo and his friends, Archie is sat at another table with his, but he keeps looking at me and smiling.

"Ella is walking this way." Theo states, looking behind me, then making eye contact with me. He's barely spoken to me all day. I swear to god if she says anything to me, I'm going to punch her.

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