4 ~ unacceptable behaviour

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As I'm sat back on the pit wall, next to Christian Horner, Charles' Ferrari car comes trundling into the pit lane, closely followed by Max's RedBull.

They both get turned into the garages, and Max walks out of his garage first. I can see Charles direct his attention to someone in the garage, before walking over to them.

Max takes his helmet off, and holds it in his hand, before checking there are no cars coming, and jogging across the pit lane.

"Did she behave?" Max asks, as he jumps up onto the pit wall.

"Yeah mate, good as gold. We did have a little blip when some girls started shouting at her, but that's it." Christian says, answering Max's question.

"Yeah because they're horrible to me." I mumble, while looking around, not really paying attention.

"Hey Emilie!" One of the girls, Ella, shouts, sticking her middle finger up to me, and the other girls laugh. Max looks over in their direction. They're on the other side of the fence, separating the pit lane from the grand stand and the racetrack.

"Leave me alone!" I shout at her. Her and all her friends laugh. I stand up off the chair I'm sat on, catching Max's attention.

This group of 4 girls have bullied me for years, and now I've moved to Monaco, I thought I would have gotten away from them, but obviously they can't seem to leave me alone.

Ella is the most horrible to me. She's been the one at the front of everything, and the one who has done everything to me. The others just tag along.

"Ignore them." Max says, placing his hand on my shoulder, trying to guide me to sit back down. I push his hand off my shoulder, and walk towards the gate, so I'm closer to them.

"Emilie." Max says, firmly. I look at him. "Sit down." He adds, pointing to the chair I was previously sat on.

I ignore him and turn my head back, so I'm looking at the girls.

"You're a little slag! You know that?" Ella shouts across the race track, from her place at the front of the Grand Stand.

"You're a bitch!" I shout back at her, earning a few looks from the Mercedes engineers sat in the Mercedes Pit Wall stand, next to the RedBull stand.

"Emilie." Max states in disbelief, silently apologising to anyone who heard me swear.

"How do I get over there?" I ask Max, pointing towards the Grand Stand.

"You don't." He states, looking at me and raising his eyebrows.

"I'll find out myself then." I sigh, before barging past Max, and jumping off the pit wall.

"Emilie!" Max shouts, jumping off the pit wall, after me. After I don't answer, he shouts my name louder. "Emilie!"

I walk down the side of the pit lane, being watched by everyone as I walk past. All the cameras point in our direction.

I stick my middle finger up to one of the cameras as we pass it, and Max walks slightly quicker to catch up with me.

"Emilie." He states loudly and sternly, as he grabs my upper arm. I spin round to face him. "Stop." He adds.

"Max you don't understand! I hate her! She's horrible to me!" I shout at him, pulling my arm out of his grip. "Just please let me talk to her." I say, quieter. He pauses for a moment.

"No." He says bluntly, shaking his head slightly. I look up at him, before turning round and walking away, in the direction I was originally going in.

I'm speaking to Ella whether he likes it or not. I walk into the Ferrari garage, with Max still following me.

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