23 ~ the kiss

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"I'm sorry." Charles apologises quietly as we cruise down the road. There isn't much traffic at this time.

"What?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows and looking at him in slight shock. Is he apologising to me?

"I'm sorry." I repeats, keeping his eyes glued to the road. I'm not sure he even believes himself.

"For what?" I question, confused. I've got no clue why he is saying sorry to me.

"I shouldn't have shouted at you. You've got enough shit going on as it is with school and moving to a new country, and in all honesty I think Ella deserved to be punched." Charles admits, his voice still quiet as he speaks.

"You mean that?" I ask, looking at him and smiling slightly.

"Yeah. If another man even shouted Alex, I'd kill him. You were just protecting your little boyfriend." He states, glancing at me slightly and smirking when he says boyfriend.

"He is not my boyfriend." I state, looking at him angrily and sighing.

"But you wish he was." Charles smirks, looking at me as he stops at a red light.

"No I don't." I mutter, not quite believing myself as I speak. I do like Theo. I just don't know if he likes me the same way.

"Emilie. You love him." He laughs, tapping the outside of my thigh with the back of his hand and smiling at me.

"Maybe." I mutter, struggling to keep the smile off my face as I look down at my hands. "But I don't think he likes me back so it doesn't matter anyway." I add.

"I'm sure he does like you. He would be stupid to turn down a girl like you." Charles says, continuing to drive down the road as the lights turn green. I smile at him and blush slightly.

"But you can't get married to him. Your name is too cool for that. If anything he needs to take your last name. Emilie Leclerc is an awesome name if I do say so myself." He adds, pressing the throttle down and speeding slightly.

"I'm sorry, that was a mistake. I didn't mean to say that." I quickly apologise, waffling slightly as I panic. I feel so stupid. I just took his last name.

"Hey, calm down. It's alright." He laughs slightly, glancing at me then reverting his attention back to the road. "It suits you. It makes me feel more like your dad rather than just a guy who's looking after you." He adds.

It's slightly busier in this area since we are passing the casino and the yachts. We don't usually come through here because there are lots of fans. I just smile at him. I don't know how to respond to that, but it makes me really happy.

"Why are we going this way? It's so busy." I ask as Charles turns down a road. The yachts come into view and there are loads of them lined up, bobbing on the water.

"I want to get something from my yacht." He says, stopping his car in front of the dock and turning off the engine. I open the car door and get out, so does Charles. I follow him onto his yacht and onto the decking.

"Is Max still at home?" I ask, taking a small breath. If he is, he will kill me. I have no doubt in that.

"No, he went home." Charles responds, grabbing a set of keys out of his trouser pocket and walking down some stairs, unlocking a little door at the bottom. I follow him down and stay relatively close to him. I feel like I'm about to get murdered. It's dark outside and we're on a little boat, going down to the inside of it. I've never really liked horror movies, apart from scream. That movie is more funny than it is scary.

"Ok." I say, internally celebrating as I almost step on the back of Charles' shoes I'm walking so close to him. I would have gotten shouted at so bad if Max was still at home.

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