Prologue | How I Got Here

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Bryan's POV

All I can feel is my body being lifted from the ground and placed in a car before someone injects something into my neck when I loose feeling in my body.

I'd try to fight, but I've been knocked out, I can't even move my wings.

But I bet you're wondering how I got into this situation, well, let me tell you.

3 hours earlier

I had to leave soon since, for the first time since high school, I got a chance to hang out with all of my high school friends and catch up with them.

We planned to just meet at a nightclub that was in the middle of the city, I'd be more worried about it, but I live in one of the best angel protected cities for a reason, so I had no reason to worry.

The only time I really left was so I could go to work, so I thought my mother wouldn't worry much about me going out for once, but of course, I was wrong.

"I just don't like you going into the middle of the city to hang out, you guys couldn't pick somewhere safer like the beach?"

"It was Xylo's choice, he had coupons so we could get drinks for cheap, plus we live in the city with the most angel protection, I'll be fine"

"You still shouldn't go, what happens if a mafia attack happens"

"Mom, the mafia of our town was arrested nearly 4 months ago, plus it's in the middle of the city so it's less likely for mafia outside of town to run into us"

"But what about the Anubis mafia, they've been awfully close recently and I don't like that you're going closer to where they were last seen"

A shiver went down my back as soon as my mother said that.

The Anubis mafia was one of if not the biggest mafia group ever, and they only lived a town away.

They were well known for taking out anyone they'd see when they commit a crime and if you lived it'd be because you made a deal with them.

But even so, the group was the least of the worries when it came to the group, it was the leader who was the scariest of them.

He had a reputation of making deals you wouldn't be able to get out of, but he was most well known for the body count of ex lovers he had.

No one knew for sure, but it was always rumored that he'd elope with them to try and have them as his right hand (aside from his sibling) then when they'd reach the 1 year anniversary, whoever the lover was would be found dead in a trash compacter next to their building the next day with no reason for it.

His name was never revealed, but his name that went around the streets was "The Killing Claw"

Thoughts of the mafia quickly left my mind as fast as they came as I took a deep breath and went back to reassuring my mother that I'd be ok.

"How about this, I'll text you once an hour and let you know that everything was ok, I'll also let you know once I get there and once I leave so you have less reason to worry"

"Fine, only because I'll trust you will do that and I know your friends are trust worthy"

I quickly finished getting ready, said goodbye to my mom and my sisters, and headed outside to where my friends were waiting.

As soon as I got in the car and buckled up, I quickly looked in the car and saw that I was the last one to get in.

It was me, Mario, Xylo, Kay, Jakey, Momiji, and Mania.

We never knew why all of us got along so well in school, but we all stayed friends throughout high school and had been planning on doing this since we graduated, this time just worked out best because we were all drinking age by now.

Once we got there, we found a table, and placed an order so we wouldn't need to worry about eating later.

A good amount of time passed and I made sure to keep my promise to my mother and was texting her every few hours.

Mania and I were staying sober so we could make sure none of us were doing anything stupid, plus it was Mania's car we took here so she was the designated driver for the night, I just stayed sober because I didn't want any of my powers to start attracting guys to me when I can't do anything about it.

It really didn't matter because we all were having a great time.

Eventually, it got pretty late so we decided to start heading back, so while Mania started to gather everyone, I took a quick bathroom break.

I honestly wished I just held it in until we got home, because I would have never guessed what was going to happen the second I was about to rejoin my group.

I was about to open the door to the bathroom, when out of no where, the floor collapsed in.

I knew the club had a basement where they had a more intense sound system and brighter lights, but I didn't realize that it was right under the bathroom.

When I stopped falling, I realized I was trapped in there, I was about to text my friends that I was ok and that I'd be out in a minute since I could still fly to the door, but I heard someone enter before I could so I had to hide.

Honestly, I was really glad I hid, because when I saw the people come it, it wasn't anyone who was there to help, it was people who worked for the Anubis mafia, I could tell by how they dressed.

I just hid in the rubble closest to the door while I texted Mania to leave without me so they wouldn't get hurt.

They were saying something, I couldn't tell what, but I just stayed quiet, it was dark because the power went out so I just needed to make sure my phone didn't turn on.

It seemed like they were walking away, but they went over the hole with the flashlight again and noticed a feather that must have fallen off of me out of panic.

"Someone tell whoever the boss of the mission is that we found someone, we'll need to check if they're a hybrid or not"

"Why check, just shoot a bullet through their head and get going"

"Boss said we had to check whoever is here, he doesn't want us causing a city wide man hunt because we killed an angel"

I heard them start to leave to get backup, so I took that opportunity to get through the rubble to a larger area so I can climb out and get out, but I managed to crawl into an area I couldn't get out from.

There were foot steps behind me so I knew I couldn't go back, so all I could do was go forwards.

It was easy to hide because I was able to use my magic to mute my footsteps so I could get to a hiding spot then I turned off my phone so I wouldn't be found by a stray notification.

The footsteps drew closer and I saw them walk past, so I took that opportunity to run the other direction, but they must have seen it coming because I was grabbed from behind.

I tried to fight and get out, but the one who grabbed held me down and another one placed a cloth over my mouth.

I kept moving my head in any hope that I could over power them, but it wasn't working, and soon I passed out.

All I could go off of for what was happening around me was what I could still feel around me.

They must have moved me outside because the atmosphere for wherever I was got colder.

I didn't know what they were doing until I felt them place me down on a seat that had to belong to a car since my whole body was on it.

They then injected something in my neck and I lost all feeling that would allow me to tell where I was or what was going on when it came to what they were doing to me.

Want to know what happened next? Yeah, me too...

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