Chapter 9 | Birds Of A Feather

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Bryan's POV

The day I planned to hang out with Flix had finally come, but the morning wasn't allowing the day to go in my favor.

Inpu didn't like that I was going out and was trying to get me to stay home since the guard, he usually had follow me for my own protection, was off today since it was the weekend.

"Come on, its only a few hours and it's not like I'm going to be alone"

"No, I don't want you being alone for even a minute, I'd go with you, but I have a lot of stuff I need to do today so I'll be in my office all day.

"Please, I'll bring Helios with me, that way you don't need to worry about me being alone"

"My answer isn't changing, Helios isn't trained enough to protect you on the streets, if Shade wasn't always at my side when I'm at work, I'd have him with you, but I can't, so my answer won't change"

"Then if I can't leave, can I invite my friend inside? I was hoping to hang out with her today"

"Fine, but if any of the staff tells me you left, I'm not allowing you outside for a good while"

I quickly ran over and hugged Inpu.

"Thank you! I promise I won't let you down!"

"Alright, alright, can you let go of me so I can finish getting dressed"

"Just a little longer?"

"I'd say yes, but it already takes me a good amount of time to put my suit on"

I just listened to him and left the room, making sure I texted Flix an updated plan so she wasn't waiting forever for me to not show up.

A few hours had passed, Inpu had went to work, and it was just quiet in the apartment, until the security system went off to say someone was outside.

I went over to check it out and saw that it was Flix, so I let her up.

She came in a few minutes later and gave me a hug the second she got inside

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She came in a few minutes later and gave me a hug the second she got inside.

"Long time no see, snow feather"

"I can say the same to you, flame hair"

Flix just let out a small laugh and went to checking to make sure I was ok.

"I'm surprised you don't have any clear wounds on you"

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, considering your living in the apartment of the boss of the most terrifying mafia, I'd assume he'd use you for something bad"

"I thought that at first too, but I don't think he plans on trying anything, I've been here a good amount of time now, so he would have tried something already if he did"

"Eh, you never know with mafia, you never know what they're fully capable of"

"What do you mean by that?"

"My family owed a lot to the mafia when I was younger, if it weren't for the fact I started to make money early, I'd probably still be paying off their debt, but the night they killed my parents as revenge for their debt, they attacked me and harmed my wings, if I didn't pay them then, I probably wouldn't be able to use my wings anymore"

"Yeesh, and I thought my wing injury was bad, I just can't fly that long and that fast, I can't even imagine not being able to fly at all"

"You plan on getting your wings fixed any time soon? I thought you finally had enough money and time to be able to get it done"

"Well, when I told you that I did for about a week, I'm finally having surgery done to fix them next week, its stressing me out a lot though"

"Why's that?"

"Well, the doctor says I'm underweight enough where they worry about putting me under because of how little anastatic they can really give me, but they don't want me to gain much weight because it could change how things need to be done, so either I have the chance of waking up in the middle of it, or not being able to have it done at all"

"Don't worry about it that much, as long as you get it done you'll be fine, there's something in your wings to keep you asleep if something happens"

"How do you know that?"

"I had to do some research, angels and phoenixes have similar powers and the same goes for our wings, so since I have it, you do too"

"I thought it was only our powers that were similar, or well, the regeneration part is, why are our wings similar?"

"Similar properties, that's all I really know about it"

I just looked down, I didn't know what to do since I was still stressed about what was going to happen.

Flix clearly noticed it, so she grabbed me and gave me a hug.

I must have needed it because it helped me calm down.

"Why don't we go sit down and talk about something else, I brought a bit of alcohol if you think that'll take the edge off"

"Yeah, that'll be nice"

We ended up going to the living room and just hanging out there for a while.

Most of our conversation was about some of the designs I made in my free time because I figured it'd be nice for me to get something nicer to wear for after my surgery so I wouldn't have to worry about anything being tight on my wings.

There were about 6 outfits that we agreed to make, we were about to change the subject to something else, but we heard the elevator open so we turned our attention to it to see who came in.

The door opened and we saw Inpu walk in, Shade following him not far behind.

He was on the phone and just ignored us, he seemed to be in a bad mood.

"I'm going to suggest you leave, he seems to be in a bad mood from something"

"Yeah, I was about to mention that, you sure you'll be ok?"

"Nothing I haven't been able to handle yet"

"Alright, please call me if you ever need help, I don't want you to suffer because you don't have a backup plan"

"Alright, will do"

Flix left soon after and I went to my room in hope that Inpu wasn't going to be in one of his rage moods.

Helios seemed to be on alert since the second we got into my room, and sat on my bed he growled at the door if anyone walked by.

After a few hours, Helios stopped being defensive and went back to his goofy, playful self and I just started to place a few items on my bed so I could eat dinner and go to bed since Inpu being in a mood kinda threw off my plan for the night.

I left my room and closed the door, but before I could go anywhere, I felt myself being pinned to the wall.

I managed to turn around to get a better look and just saw Inpu burying his head into my neck, and gently kissing me.

It made me realize what had happened since this was the same thing he did when we got back from his office the same day his ally came in and tried to make a deal with him.

"Rough day?"

"You have no idea..."

We stayed like that for a while then went to go eat dinner, which seemed to help both of us since after that, we went back to what a normal night would be like for us.

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