Chapter 52 | Outside Sources

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Inpu's POV

I really don't know where I went wrong, one day everything seemed fine, and the next I leave the home not knowing seeing my husband before I left would be the last time I would see him.

Bryan being gone make the environment a lot darker than it should have been.

Some of my allies who came in would comment how I seemed colder since he left, and I never had a response to it.

Often I'd go home and just get drunk because I had no one to talk to other than Shade, who would mostly nap in a corner since he was at the age where I got to turn him into a familiar to my magic.

There was nothing for me to do at home, my family never bothered to visit that often since Bryan wasn't home, so there was never anything new to talk about.

Depression was really hitting me like a truck, but no matter what got in the way, I never stopped trying to look for him, I had to know what I did wrong and know that him and my kids were ok.

Most of my work had been spent looking through anything I could find that either brought up Bryan's or the kids' names, but the most I was ever able to get was that Bryan was still a fashion designer.

Of course, the company he worked for was a world wide company, so it never said where exactly he was located.

Today was one of those days where I thought I would find nothing, I decided to take a step in a different direction.

When we got married, Bryan took my last name, so I had been searching with my last name since I forgot about that.

I decided to start my search with his old last name, and the second I pressed enter online, a ton of stuff came up.

After the initial shock of actually finding stuff, I noticed his job was described online as a famous fashion designer and started to read up more on that since it could help me.

While I was in the middle of looking through it, Magnus walked in and noticed I was deep in thought.

"So, anything new or same as yesterday?"

"He changed his last name back"


"I looked him up with his original last name and so much came up, meaning he changed it back and likely did the same with the kids"

"Anything interesting?"

"He went from fashion designer to famous fashion designer, and he lives in a crime free city which is a three day drive from here, or what he likely did, a two hour train ride with the bullet train down town"

"Well he picked a good place to stay if he was trying to get away from mafia territory"

"When do you plan to go there, I know you will eventually"

"River is closer to there than me, I'll try to plan it out with him so we meet up in the city so while we walk around and look for him, if Bryan identifies us, his reaction will be easy for us to spot"

"So basically intimidate him into a corner?"

"No, we'll likely be there in a few days, its more to see what part of town he mainly stays in"

"I wish you luck then, I wouldn't want to have to deal with this"

"Yeah, yeah, anything else you think could be useful to me"

Before Magnus could bring up anything, we heard a gun shot coming from the break room, so we went to deal with that before it could get worse.

When we entered, we saw one of the guards dead with three others pointing their guns at the body.

"What is wrong with you morons"

"He attempted to kill us first"

"Any idea why?"

"My guess, like the last time, they work for someone else, got a job as a guard here to gain trust, and attempted something not expecting others to get involved"

"What do you mean again?"

Two of the guards took a step back leaving the third guard to answer the question.

"Well, when I was just starting out,  I was unaware guards reported anything regardless, so I was working in the apartment and noticed Sir Bryan being attacked, so I killed his attacker who was dressed as a guard, not knowing protocol I asked if Sir Bryan wanted me to report it and he said no, so I didn't report it thinking he called you about it"

"I was never called about anything like that, when was this?"

"The last time Sir Bryan was in the apartment, I saw him before he left and he just said he was taking the kids to visit his mother"

"All of  you deal with the body, if anyone comes in, unless they have a meeting let them know that I'm not taking any last minute meetings"

I left before any of them could respond and Magnus just kept following me, trying to convince me not to go out of fear for Bryan's safety.

"Look, what if you going to get him causes him to just get hurt"

"You don't get it, Magnus, he never sent over any kind of divorce papers, we're still married, I know there has to be some other reason to why he left and I need to know if it was me"

"What would you have done to cause him harm?"

"I hit him, I got angry because of something at work and I hit him to the ground, I didn't mean to do it and he seemed to be forgiving with it, but it was the same day he left, I need to know if there was anything else"

"Do mom and dad know about what happened?"

"I haven't told them, if they found out what happened I'd get an earful that would just make me feel worse about what happened"

"Yeah, they would do that wouldn't they"

"The last thing I need is the pressure of finding my husband and kids with guilt from my parents on top of it"

"Oh yeah, they would be in their teens now, right?"

"Yup, meaning I've missed a large amount of their growing up, only chance I would get to watch any of them grow up is if Bryan forgave me and we finally managed to get a fifth orb"

"I thought you did get a fifth, you just never got to meet them or name them"

"No, when I told you about it, we were trying for a fifth, we were never successful"

"Welp, I guess you'll just have to wait and see what happens"

"I just hope nothing bad happened to him"

"Do you want help when you go?"

"No, the more people I bring, the more risk there is of someone following us and hurting Bryan as an attempt to get to me"

"Alright, you get your task done and I'll hold down the fort here"

Magnus left the office soon after and I quickly got on the phone to call River.

We ended up planning it so we'd each get room at a luxury hotel in the city for us to stay at, then we spend however long we need to find him.

Once I had the plan set, I went back to my work for the day, but I was clearly better spirited knowing I had a plan.

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