Chapter 16 | Angry Dog

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Inpu's POV

It took Bryan longer to get here than it should have.

I knew Flix would be bringing him since someone tried to trick him, but even Flix wasn't this slow on the road, so I began to get worried.

Magnus and I were in a meeting with another mafia leader who wanted to make sure we still had our agreement since we hadn't spoken in a while, which I didn't mind, I was glad his group was checking in, but I didn't have my phone, so I missed any incoming texts.

Once the other mafia leader left the room, Solis, the guard I usually had on site to throw off anyone who entered, came running in with my phone saying something urgent happened.

I wasn't sure what to think at first due to the fact he had never gone on my phone before, but when I saw who the text was from, and saw it was sent as a 911, I began to panic.

It was a text from Bryan that just said "Help, a word in gibberish, then accident," so as soon as I read it, I got in my car and had a few men follow me as I tracked his phone to make sure he was ok.

When we reached the location, I was in shock.

Flix's car was flipped over with one of the doors missing, Flix was in the car unconscious, and Bryan was no where to be found.

A few of my men rushed over to get Flix out of the car so we could get an explanation, but as soon as I approached the car to try and find Bryan's scent to see if he just ran to get help, I noticed 2 scents I hated.

The scents belonged to Vivian and River, which could only mean bad things, but as much as I wanted to follow it and kill both of them, I had to plan it out and see if Flix knew anything.

Hours began to pass and I had a plan that was getting better by the minute.

Magnus had been watching over checks from the accident, and only came in once Flix was awake because we couldn't figure out much from the accident. (Feel like I should bring it up just in case, the accident was on a slope so due to that, that's why the car flipped over)

I quickly went to the recovery room where Flix was, she seemed disoriented, but otherwise fine, her healing must have been working once her injuries became present.

"How you feeling?"

"Shitty, I could process the entire time, but I didn't have the strength to move or even stop them"

"From what the x-rays showed, almost all the bones in your lower body broke, the fact your healing is even working right now is insane"

"I still could have done something, my best friend is who knows where now because I couldn't get myself to do anything"

"We'll get him back, what do you know about what happened"

"There were 8 men and about 3 women, the only one I knew was Vivian who was making comments on how Bryan could fetch whoever got him a pretty penny or even be a good pet, so they were likely mafia"

"We knew that they were mafia just by looking at the scene they left, we found out which mafia when I went to look for Bryan's scent"

"I thought your power was just shadow magic?"

"I have the instincts of a jackal, don't get to use it that often, but when I do I am hardly ever wrong on my guesses"

"I'll have to write that down later, could be important for later assignments"

"On another note, did they say what they planned to use Bryan for?"

"Something about either selling him for his wings, or keeping him locked in a room for something else"

"Something else? Did they say what?"

"They probably did, but I couldn't hear everything, I was physically passed out, but mentally there if that makes any sense"

"Makes enough sense as to why you know as much as you do, stay here and work on healing yourself, I'll make sure to get in a few good hits for you as your revenge"

"Hits as in deaths or as in punches? Because I'd prefer the death option"

"You have my word, anything here changes and you don't know if Magnus has told me, let me know"


I left the room quickly and started having everyone get their cars ready.

There was no way in hell I was going to let Bryan be there super long, I couldn't have him be there that long, not when I have an idea on what they'll do to him.

Everything had to be perfect in order to make sure Bryan would get out alive and that if he was hurt in any way, he'd have the treatment needed close by.

Normally I wouldn't call for an ambulance on standby due to the fact we weren't able to go to the hospital for injuries due to the whole mafia thing, but Bryan could still go and it was safer to bring him to the ER when everything that could be needed was available. 

Once everything was ready, I got in my car, anger fueling me, I was ready to get my boyfriend back, no matter what, he was coming home with me.

Bryan's POV

When I woke up, I was in some kind of cell with some kind of restraints on my wings to prevent me from using them.

My head was all fuzzy, but all I could see in the back of my head was how the crash scene was left and I hated it because I could have called 911, maybe they could have stopped whatever happened.

Who was I kidding, if the city had police officers to protect the streets, the accident wouldn't have even happened, so either way, I would have been in the same situation.

I was lost in thought until I heard someone walk over to the cell.

My body went into the best defense it could muster in that moment, but it ended up just being a servant who put my wrists in chains, and dragged me to another room.

She handed me some folded clothes and told me to change into them.

She turned around so before I even considered doing what she said, I looked at what she gave me, having a really bad feeling about it.

I didn't know how to describe what she gave me to put on, it was clothes that would cover my body, but most of it was see through, the only parts that were actually covered were take base of my wings and my neither region.

Without even putting it on, I felt dirty, I didn't know why, and I didn't want to know why, but I figured I'd try and see if there was anything else they could give me.

"Excuse me, do you have anything...less reveling?"

"None I'm allowed to give you, the boss personally requested that one for you, and I can't let him down"

As much as I didn't want to put it on, my clothes were a mess and I knew if I survived long enough to get out, if I didn't change I could get badly sick, so I decided to tear up the shirt I had on so I could tie it around my torso so I felt like most of my body was at least covered.

Once the servant saw that I was dressed, she brought me back to the cell I was in and took off the chains.

I had forgotten how tight chains around the wrists could get, but it hurt like hell and I just wanted to go home and cuddle with my boyfriend, then maybe we could pretend this was just a bad dream.

But I knew I wasn't that lucky, at least, not right now.

The lights began to dim as it was getting darker outside, it was the middle of the day when I was knocked out, so if it was the same day, it had been at least 7 or 8 hours by now, but I couldn't sleep, what if they did something to me while I slept, I had no other option but to stay awake.

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