Chapter 72 | Wounds And Marks

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Inpu's POV

I almost forgot how defensive Bryan was of me the last time he was informed I was shot, but my recent event quickly brought those memories back.

The entire time I was home after I was allowed to go, Bryan had been watching me like a hawk and trying to keep the kids away to help me avoid further harm.

Artemis was the biggest challenge, he was such a loving kid but the fact Crystal and Bryan weren't letting him hug me was killing him.

It was a Monday, so the kids and Bryan weren't home but instead of being at work, I was just in bed trying to will myself up to change some of the bandages.

I knew I slept past my alarm cause I woke up to Bryan not home, but I wasn't sure how long I slept for.

Once I was able to get up for the day and get into something comfortable, I heard the front door open.

I finally glanced at the time and to my shock, it was the normal time Artemis would get home since he got home earlier than the others.

He seemed disappointed, like he was trying to hide something, so once he saw me, instead of going for a hug, he just went to sit on the couch, which was a warning to me.

"Hey, bud, how was school today?"

"It was fine I guess"

"Are you sure? You're never this quiet when you get home"

"I'm fine, I just want to be left alone"

His answer started to worry me, and I noticed he was pulling down the sleeve of his sweatshirt, but it was hot outside, so the fact he was wearing it alerted me to what could be wrong.

"Are other kids making fun of you?"

As soon as I said that, he started to tear up and dig into the couch to make himself small.

I just sat next to him and moved him so instead of leaning into the couch, he was leaning into my side.

"What happened today?"

"I was just trying to get along with some of the other kids when one of them started to pick on me, so when I walked away, they started to beat me"

"Can you show me where you were hit?"

He pulled up his sleeve where he showed me his worst injury was, and I was shocked as I saw a large wound that had to be made with a knife.

"Did you tell anyone about what happened?"

"No, I don't trust the teachers, they don't give me a good vibe and my friends haven't transferred in yet, so I don't trust anyone"

"Alright, we'll talk about this a bit more when papa gets home, for now I'm gonna get you stitched up, are there any other injuries I should know about?"

"No, that's the worst of them, I have a few bruises but its nothing to worry about"

We both got up and went into the kitchen where I kept the first aid kit and I quickly started to stitch up the would Arti had.

He just kept looking away, trying not to show me that it hurt, which just made my list of questions grow.

"And done, mind if I ask you a few questions about why it happened?"

"I guess, I don't really have much to hide"

"Ok, then why did this happen?"

"I don't know, the kids that did it hasn't done anything like this before, I was just being friendly"

"Alright, you said you tried to walk away before he stabbed you, what did he stab you with?"

"He had a knife for some reason, the teachers only saw the knife after he attacked me, so instead of asking anyone if they were hurt, they just took it from him"

"And they think a ten year old wouldn't hurt someone else?"

"I'm 11, they don't believe anything I say cause I'm in the part of life where they claim all I do is lie"

"Well it looks like I need to have a word with your teacher, also since when were you 11?"

"Since February, why didn't you realize that, I'm six years younger than Crystal and four years younger than the triplets"

"Sorry, Bryan kept telling you were ten, guess I didn't realize that"

"That sounds like what papa would do, with there being five of us, he tends to forget our ages"

"Just your ages or birthday as well?"

"Just our ages, granted, papa works hard so we all understand and just correct him when its needed"

"Try not to worry about it, as soon as we are completely back to normal, it won't be an issue anymore"

"Why don't we get to live normal?"

"Because papa and I have had a few issues in life, and now that we live here, I just need to get better from my own injury then we can go back to a normal life"

"What did you do to get hurt?"

"Um...I-I work in construction, just had a pretty nasty accident at work, that's all"

"You work for bad people, don't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone tries to avoid the topic of your job to me and the triplets, they are too happy with life to realize it, but I'm not as blind as them, you always seem like you're hiding something from us"

"Look, Arti, I don't want to worry you with what I know, so unless I'm in a situation where I need to tell you, for your safety, that information is staying hidden from you"

"Alright, anything else you need or am I good to go to my room?"

"You're good to go, but this will be brought up to your teachers, if this happens again, you tell me right away"

"Ok, dad, just let me know when dinner is ready"

I just gave him a thumbs up before texting Magnus, me not being able to work wasn't going to stop me from getting this fixed.

A few hours later, the rest of my kids and Bryan got home.

The rest of the kids went to get their homework done so they didn't need to worry about it later while Bryan just went over to where I was and gave me an annoyed look.

"You know I'd let you take a photo, it'll last longer"

"Stop sassing me, did you have Magnus threaten Arti's teachers?"

"Did they do it publicly or in private?"

"In private, but what does that matter, why do it at all?"

"Arti came home with a knife wound to his arm, the teachers didn't think to ask any of the students because he claimed they think everyone his age are liars"

"So you decided to threaten them?"

"What would you have done?"

"Talk to the teachers"

"How many people have you met like me?"

"Stop talking about this now or you're sleeping on the couch tonight"

"Since I'm clearly in the dog house for this, does this mean we're not doing date night tonight?"

"No, we can still have date night, I'm just annoyed that your first thought was threats, I know I should expect it, but I'm not that used to your job interacting with other matters"

"So I'm not in the dog house?"

"Oh, you still are, you're just lucky I've had a long day and can use a glass of wine"

I just laughed at him before we left to get dinner.

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