Chapter 96 | Delays

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Inpu's POV

With everything going on at home with Skyler, I was trying my best to get along with them, but them being the child of a cop, it wasn't easy for me to do work from home, so I was doing more work in the office.

Crystal told me not to worry about it, but something just felt weird about it.

That was until I was at work and noticed someone used my log in at home.

Thinking it was probably my daughter, I decided to just call her and ask.

She picked up pretty fast as she normally did, so I knew this wouldn't take long.

"Mind explaining to me why you logged in on my computer?"

"Had to do a quick check, Skyler and I needed to check how long Jakey would be there, I wanted to do some digging in the room"

"Digging on what? You think he's going to shoot us or something?"

"First off, papa is next to me and did hear that comment, so thanks for the ear full I'm about to get, second off, something isn't right when we investigated his gun, the rounds he had don't match"


"Someone tampered with his gun, even if he wanted to shoot, he wouldn't be able to"

"Who do you think would do it, there is no way anyone working for him would want to"

"Unless they planned to turn themself in, leave no traces, admit everything"

"What are you thinking? No one is that stupid in our line of work"

"So they got someone as extra to help with something"

"And that would be?"

"Where Skyler comes into play, I found it weird their father left with no warning, yes they were fighting, but it was never anything big"

"So their father was a part of it?"

"Yup, and once he found out the two of us were dating, managed to sneak in and change the bullets, gun won't fire with bullets that are too small, he started the fights so they wouldn't be upset when he turned himself in"

"How do you know he did that already?"

"It was in the news this morning, never said the specifics, just said he was arrested, I want to see if Jakey left anything behind in the room, maybe it could clear something up"

"Then go back and look for evidence, I don't see why you need to investigate the room"

"We tried, they deep cleaned their base and got rid of everything, there is nothing to go off of"

"Then go ahead, he'll be gone as soon as I can reach the mafia boss he's working with, don't worry, you'll be able to prove him innocent one way or another"

"Oh, we aren't going to  prove him innocent, we're just adding charges, he deserves to rot in jail for what he did to Skyler, also, you can't avoid them anymore cause now my girlfriend has mafia connections"

"You have a strange mind set, but ok, anyways, since you've clearly been looking on my computer, have you seen any updates?"

"None, why? What are you waiting for?"

"The person who's meant to pick up Jakey is meant to message me back, we need to get that back so I can release him and make sure we are on neutral terms, I'm pretty sure he acted without consulting his partner"

"From what I've heard, roommate, not sure why he'd roommate with a mafia boss, papa used to be friends with him, said he was smarter so papa isn't sure about what drove him to that decision"

"Alright, go back to whatever you were doing, but let your father know that my suggestion for dinner is steak"

"You always want steak, but ok, I'll let him know, talk later, bye"

She hung up not long after and I decided to go through my emails to see if Jakey's partner finally responded and told me when he could pick him up, but there wasn't any response.

Frustrated, I decided to just go home so I could vent to my husband who I knew was willing to listen.

When I got home, I noticed Bryan was passed out on the couch, so I went over to check on him since this never happened and was worrying me.

I just sat on the floor next to him before I gently shook him awake and saw him gently open his eyes, clearly tired from something.

"Hi, sleepy, long day?"

"You have no idea..."

"Then tell me, you know I'm willing to listen"

"I had four clients yell at me today because of things out of my control, I was going to make dinner before you came home, but I don't have enough energy, so I'm ordering in and not telling the kids"

"Go figure, want me to order so you can get some more sleep?"

"Don't bother, I already ordered, it should be here soon"

"Then I'll go tell the kids to get ready"

"You seem to forget, its Friday, they're out until they should be in bed, so we have tons of time together tonight"

"Well, you being tired doesn't help me, I'm not going to make you worse"

"You never know, get some food in me and we start watching a movie, I can become a whole other person~"

"And I thought I was the romantic one"

"I'm in the mood today, figured that you could use a win given all the delays at work, might not delay our time any more"

"And what do you plan to do if I manage to get on top of you in about an hour~?"

"Then I submit like I normally do, no more delays in our personal life~"

"I love it when you do this, doesn't matter how tired you are, I will always find it attractive"

"Any ideas on if your parents plan to stop by tonight? I don't want to get started only to have to finish early cause they came here"

"My parents know Friday is our day, so we're in the clear~"

I went to start gently messing with Bryan, but I heard the doorbell ring soon after, so I let out a heavy sigh before going to grab our food.

While Bryan was working on getting up, I put the kids food in the fridge for them and placed mine and Bryan's on the table so we could eat.

Before I had a second to open the box with my food, Bryan just sat in my lap and started to cuddle up.

"Damn, how needy are you? Normally you don't start anything before you eat"

"Like I said, I'm in the mood, I won't do anything just yet, but I still want cuddles"

"Fair enough, let's go through tonight at your pace, I know we've been willing to do this for a while, but you've had a long day, so you're in charge, I just do as I'm told"

"So the roles are reversed tonight~?"


He started to kiss me and I just began to enjoy what we had going on, I may be having a rough time at work, but this just reminded me I could forget everything and calm down the second I walked into the house.

Mafia Boss And His Love | Brypu Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now