Chapter 99 | Never Really Safe

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Bryan's POV

With everything seemingly dealt with, all we really had to get was the all clear from Anubis who was clearing up everything.

Since we planned a vacation overseas, each of us had to make sure we were in good health, so I took each of the kids to the doctor, I went for myself, then there was Inpu.

He didn't want to spend the money for an appointment, so he just called his doctor who said if he filled out a check list he'd normally go over, he'd be given a clear or deny based on what was filled in.

I was cleaning the house little by little, and was working on the kitchen with Inpu and Crystal while Inpu had Atlas going through the list of questions.

Despite me telling Inpu to just do it himself, he insisted on helping me more than going over the checklist, so in true Inpu fashion, he didn't listen to me and took the risk of saying something inappropriate in front of the kids.

"Any recent history of bullet wounds bleeding?" [Atlas]

"Considering any scars I'd have from them your other father healed, nope" [Inpu]

"Uhhh....probably don't want the answer to this, but are you sexually active?" [Atlas]

"Why is that one of the questions?" [Inpu]

"Mark it" [Crystal]

"How do you know that?" [Bryan]

"You really think you going to bed fine and waking up with a limp isn't noticeable?" [Crystal]

"The fact you pay attention to that is interesting to say the least" [Inpu]

"Do we know if anyone's had the talk with Artemis? If he can hear this from the other room, you may have questions later" [Atlas]

"I had the talk with him a few years ago, most of the comments he makes is cause he knows what has to happen, however his response to the sounds we can thank Atlas for" [Bryan]

"Another thing we need to do, sound proof the triplets' rooms, we still have till Artemis is a bit older, but we've already had Crystal's room done and its clearly time to do the triplets' rooms" [Inpu]

"I'll make your dad do it, if we have him house sit to make sure people don't break in, might as well put him to work" [Bryan]

"And I thought papa respected grandpa" [Crystal]

"I do, but I don't know if I trust him alone in my house, if I come back and there are extra cameras in the house, I might actually kill him" [Bryan]

"Don't kill my father, the internal issues with the mafia would be weird since they'd want you dead, but they can't exactly kill the husband of the boss" [Inpu]

"Most of them have never seen seen my face, I'd be fine" [Bryan]

"Last time we thought that you were attacked in an alleyway, remember that?" [Crystal]

"How could I forget, it was the first time after ten years I saw your other father" [Bryan]

"Wait, is this really our first family vacation?" [Atlas]

"Thinking about it now, yeah, I think it is" [Inpu]

Before anyone could say anything else, we heard the front door open followed by the kids yelling that Anubis was here, so I sent Crystal and Atlas to the other room so we could talk privately.

"If it isn't my favorite son and son in law" [Anubis]

"I'm your only son" [Inpu]

"I remain the confirmed favorite for another few months" [Bryan]

"Why can't either of you take a compliment?" [Anubis]

"Because if it was any other occasion, you would be insulting me and telling Bryan he should've ran years ago" [Inpu]

"Hey, I did run for a few years, lets not forget" [Bryan]

"Anyways, we have an update on them" [Anubis]

"And? Are they finally going to leave us alone?" [Inpu]

"He only talked about leaving Bryan and the kids alone, he said nothing about the mafia, so there could be some grey area, but we just need to keep a good look out" [Anubis]

"Great, this kids each plan to join the mafia and attend college at the same time, meaning we've got less than a year with Kris, about three years for the triplets, and six years for Arti" [Bryan]

"Why do you keep track of things like this?" [Inpu]

"You don't want to know" [Bryan]

"Hey, he was meant to be your second, the fact he isn't and still knows more about the mafia than most people who joined years ago says a lot" [Anubis]

"Dad, stop trying to convince my husband to actually join the mafia" [Inpu]

"Oh, come on, what else does he do other than watch the kids, it just seems unfair he stays home alone" [Anubis]

"You do realize I'm not a stay at home dad, right? Still a famous fashion designer" [Bryan]

"We both know I'm not constantly watching the news, how was I meant to know that?" [Anubis]

"He literally makes everything I wear" [Inpu]

"Anyways, I plan on making some calls in the next few days, hopefully we'll be able to get a good deal so they stay away for longer, but I can't confirm anything" [Anubis]

"At this point, anything we can get is good, we leave in about a week for vacation, so if we can get good news within that time frame, I'd be happier" [Bryan]

"I'm just happy as long as he's happy" [Inpu]

"Inpu, shut up, I know that, why do you think I tried to bribe him all those years ago" [Anubis]

"Who'd you bribe for Zara or Magnus? There is no way Inpu was the only one to have someone bribed to be with them" [Bryan]

"I bribed a few people for Zara, she killed them all in a week, didn't even bother with Magnus, they would've killed them in an hour, so I didn't try with them" [Anubis]

"I pray you don't try to do the same thing with my kids" [Inpu]

"No promises" [Anubis]

"No, you won't do it at all, cause if you do, I will take matters into my own hands and get you back one way or another" [Bryan]

"And we thought I was the tough one" [Inpu]

"Are we sure Bryan had no mafia affiliation before meeting you? Cause he is more scary towards me compared to most mafia bosses I've met" [Anubis]

"I was in debt to your mafia since I was little, you guys have been my only mafia affiliation, plus I'm very protective of my kids since I'm related to you both" [Bryan]

"And you know I don't take that lightly, calm yourself, my love, you don't need to protect them from my father, that's my job" [Inpu]

"Alright, alright, I'll stop, I should get home though, I have a few things I need to get done myself" [Anubis]

"See you later, dad, I'll tell you what we need you for when we eventually go on vacation" [Inpu]

Anubis left not long after and I just started to laugh at Inpu.

He looked at me confused for a bit before realizing I was laughing at him cause he had to calm me down for once.

We broke into tears from laughing so much and once we calmed down, we worked on getting ready for bed so we can finish work preparations so we could forget about it for a while.

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