Chapter 76 | Not Again

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Inpu's POV

Most nights since the kids found out had been calm, but every now and then, something would be made clear by the guards around the premises often by a gun shot.

The only ones who seemed to sleep through it often were Bryan and Atlas, likely due to not having the jackal features, but often times if I got up to deal with it, that would wake up Bryan.

Tonight seemed like it would be a calm night, until midnight struck and I heard each of the kids start yelling.

I just groaned as I heard each of them start yelling for me because of it, which I really had coming, but it was still annoying.

"Inpu, deal with it in the morning, you can just cuddle with me for now"

"As much as I want to, I need to deal with this, otherwise we'll be dealing with the kids being groggy in the morning"

"Alright, then be quick, I want to go back to cuddling when you get back"

"Yes, my love~"

I tucked Bryan back in before I went outside to deal with whatever was going on outside. 

Crystal was clearly awake since she was already outside before I was, so I just tried to get what happened from her.

"If you were already dealing with this, why didn't you let the triplets know?"

"My room is on the same side of the house than your room, I wasn't going to walk across the house only to continue to head outside"

"You still could've let me know, that way I could've stayed in bed"

"I'm well aware of that fact, I'm just waiting for the body to be honest"


"Cause if its another mafia like we've been suspecting, then the body could give us a sign, otherwise its just another thief trying to take from the rich"

"So much for a low crime area"

"It became high crime once you moved in"

"Not the time, anyways it seems like I might as well increase security for the neighborhood, that way I know you guys are safe when you hang out with friends"

"Eh, wouldn't be the worst thing, wouldn't really bother my either way because all of my friends and I are trained in self defense"

"Are you aware Atlas is interested in learning?"

"Yup, I also know he's interested in someone in my friend group"

"That must be fun to deal with"

"Both mine and his friends have a plan to get them a date, I can send you some of the information for that"

"Please do, something tells me your brother will be happy with his crush"

"Same here, its the reason we even have it planned out, only real issue is that his crush is my age, so it'll look a bit weird for two years due to the age difference, but his crush's father is ex mafia so legal stuff ain't exactly going to be an issue"

"As long as you trust the guy, I'll trust you, just tell your brother to be a bit more secretive until he's 18, I don't want to have to answer questions for no reason"

"Eh, I'd just give warnings to people about it and if they don't listen, so be it, I won't keep someone around who asks questions about my families personal lives"

"Don't get your hopes up about it, I used to have that mentality and had to stop because I was getting rid of to many people"

A few of the guards came out of the woods around the house soon after dragging a body behind them.

A quick glance at the body could tell that the guy was definitely some part of a mafia, but the logo wasn't something I had ever seen before.

I took the logo pin before the guards dragged the body away and I just started to examine it.

It looked like a purple rose with a green base, but it made no sense since SR didn't run the mafia, he was a second in command, so this couldn't be him.

Crystal took the pin and tried to get a magical trace, but there was nothing, meaning whoever was giving commands was good.

The guards were trying to give us a run down of what happened, but nothing was sticking out, it all just seemed like generic stuff low level mafia grunts usually did, so there was nothing to go off of.

I just informed the guards to keep up their patrol before Crystal and I went back inside.

"How did you know to search the body?"

"Simple, I thought of something you normally would've ignored, that being the fact to you every dead body is the same and hold nothing of use"

"Smart, any chance you know someone who would know how to figure it out?"

"I can ask a few people, but can't confirm anything, its not every day someone has to look for an entire mafia based off of a pin"

"True, just see if you can get it done soon, the quicker this is dealt with, the better"

"That's asking a lot"

"And you're the one I was hoping would take my spot when I eventually am ready to retire?"

"You better not do to me what grandpa did to you, I'm not leaving high school only to immediately run a mafia"

"No, you'll be fine, I don't want to force it on you, I just really hold onto the hope that soon you'll run it for me"

"Well, I've been thinking about it recently, I probably won't do it for a few years, but I was thinking maybe when I'm in my late 20s early 30s I might try to take over"

"The spot will be open for you then"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going to go back to bed"

"I probably should to, your father is already going to be mad I left him alone this long"

"Go back to snuggling dad, I'm sure he'll appreciate it"

I just rolled my eyes before I placed the pin in a drawer in my desk right as I walked past it to head back to bed.

Once I got into the room, I noticed Bryan had already fallen back asleep, so I tried to move in a way that I could get under him so we could go back to him sleeping on my chest without waking him up.

He could clearly tell once I got it done, after all, he quickly took to hugging me to pull himself closer, so I just let it happen before I drifted back to sleep.

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